We are the Parish of Christ the King – four churches serving the village of Meltham and the surrounding areas of Helme, Meltham Mills and Wilshaw. Here you will find all the latest info about what is going on in and around the Parish.
To keep up to date with what’s happening, please follow @MelthamParish on Facebook. Any special events and services will also be posted on our Facebook events page: https://www.facebook.com/MelthamParish/events
You can also sign-up to receive email updates for news, special events and other interesting things! Just enter your email address into the box underneath the news feed.
So, check out our Facebook feed or why not join us for regular worship?
SUNDAY – 10:00am
St Bartholomew’s, Meltham and St James’ Meltham Mills
SUNDAY – 11:15am
Christ Church Helme and St Mary’s Wilshaw
TUESDAY – 9:00am – 11:00am
Toddler Church at St Bartholomew’s. Suitable for under 5’s
with Parents, Grandparents and Carers (during school term time only).
WEDNESDAY – 10:30am
Holy Communion service at St Bartholomew’s, Meltham.
For general enquiries, please contact the Parish Office:
eMail: parishofchristtheking@gmail.com
If you have an urgent enquiry, please contact our Vicar:
Rev’d John Dracup
Phone: 07983 937132
eMail: revjohndracup@gmail.com