
The Jesse Tree

The Jesse Tree

Jesse Tree Symbol

“A shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse,

and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”

Isaiah Chapter 11 verse 1

The Jesse tree is used in churches today during Advent, each day wooden symbols are added to the tree, which tell the Old Testament story leading up to Christmas. These are accompanied by short bible readings and prayers that point the way to Jesus the Messiah.

Any one can take part: our Jesse tree will be located in St Bartholomew’s Church.

Each day please add the relevant decoration to the tree, accompanies with a short bible reading and prayer (the book is kept with the decorations).

Starts 30th November 2015


There will also be a modern twist to the Jesse Tree: alongside the real tree in St Bartholomew’s there will be a virtual Jesse tree on Facebook.

Please like, share and enjoy the Christmas story.

I hope you enjoy taking part. Revd. Charlene