
Day of Prayer – with Father George Guiver CR

Day of Prayer

What Is Prayer?… How Do We Pray?… Does Prayer Work?…

Ever asked yourself any of these questions?… Is this YOU?…


…then come and join in a Day Of Prayer

exploring ways of praying together as a community.


Time spent with God is never wasted.

Yet many of us experience frustrations in our prayer life.

Whether you are new to prayer or have been praying for years,

come and enjoy this prayer time together, with each other, and with God.



As part of our time together we are delighted to welcome

Father George Guiver CR in leading this Day of Prayer.

Father George is the Superior at the Community of the

Resurrection Mirfield, he’s a Priest, theologian and liturgist and has written extensively on the subject of prayer.



Please join together on:

Saturday 21st November 2015, Christ Church Helme, 9.30am – 4.00pm

This event is Free: Teas/Coffees and a Lunch will be provided.

To express your interest or for further information please contact

Revd Charlene Smith Tel: 01484 851334, email: