
5 Alive

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5 Alive on 10th January  2016 focussed on Jesus’ Coming of Age

The two readings, one from  Luke 2:39-3:14; were well known stories of Jesus at the Temple when his parents lost him  – aged 12

Jesus was deeply curious, asking questions of scholars, and deeply thoughtful, giving wise answers to their questions. Seeking to take in and learn and not afraid to give out and teach. Both require vulnerability and risk taking. God loves inquisitive people!

After this the scripture says Jesus increased in wisdom and years and in divine and human favour. Jesus was unconventional in terms of his staying behind in Jerusalem against his parent’s wishes.

John the Baptist was unconventional demonstrating an alternative ritual cleansing that annoyed the religious and civic authorities. But the second reading in Luke3:21-22 told how Jesus went to John to be baptised. Despite the fact that John was very  different God spoke out favourably when his Son was baptised by John

Being unconventional can cause tension in relationships. But God blessed both John and Jesus.

We posed a question for all those there– have you ever been in trouble for doing something you thought was the right thing to do?

We used DVD clips – from  Home Alone, and of Jesus Baptism to illustrate the issues and as we prayed together we had  Folded people – praying for individuals and their  connections. We made Plasticine people to represent people we were praying for.

Jan and Catie Sambrook lead the music beautifully

Finally as 5 Alive is about everyone’s view being equally important and having discussions and learning together is crucial,  we set out Brian McLaren  five guidelines for discussion that seem to reflect some of Jesus’ approach.

 1) Take part – Share your thoughts – use ‘I’ statements

2) Paying attention to others– Respecting different opinions – asking questions

3) Silence is OK

4) Accept one another – don’t have to agree

5) Keep it short

And we kept it short!