
Oasis for Lent

Oasis for Lent
Just resting and reflecting

Whichever way we choose to describe OASIS, it all comes down to a similar experience – a time set aside, in holy space, to rest, relax and take a step back from all the busyness of the day.

The next OASIS DAY will take place in St James, Meltham Mills
on WEDNESDAY 29th March beginning at 10.00am and ending about 3.00pm.
Coffee and tea will be available, but bring a packed lunch if you are staying all day.
Please feel free to stay and share this time of PEACE for as long as you wish
or for as long as you feel comfortable.

The day ends with a short Communion Service at 2.30 – 3.00pm.

More information from
Rev Peter Rolls 340342, Christine Woods 852268 or Jenny Mathers 850839