
Rev’d Charlene – Announcement of Appointment

We are pleased (but sad) to announce that Rev’d Charlene be leaving us in January to take up her first Parish at Ackworth near Pontefract.

Rev’d Charlene, we prayerfully wish you, Chris and Owen all the best in your new Parish and home.  Although you will be sadly missed, we thank God for you, for all you have done in your time with us in Meltham, and for this exciting new venture!

Rev’d Charlene said:
All are welcome to the Licensing service. Please pray for myself, Chris and Owen and we prepare for this new chapter in our lives, as I will pray for you. Our last service in Meltham will be on the 14th January at St Bartholomew’s Church 9.30am.”

God’s Blessing Charlene



The Rt Rev’d Nicholas Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, is pleased to announce that the Rev’d Charlene Smith, currently serving as Assistant Curate in the Parish of Christ the King, Meltham, has been appointed as Priest in Charge of Ackworth St Cuthbert in the Wakefield Episcopal Area.

The Licensing Service will take place on 13 February 2018 at St Cuthbert’s at 7.30pm.