
Weekly News – w/c Mon 18 June

PLEASE PRAY for all those in authority that they will made good choices. We sit at a time when there is the possibility of great strides being taken towards peace on the Korean Peninsula, in the Middle East and in Afghanistan – yet for every story of hope and progress, there are warnings of the failings of being driven by love of ourselves rather than of you. We long for peace and trust that you guide those who have hearts to ask and ears to listen. From Psalm 138 (v6) Even though you are so high above, you care for the lowly, and the proud cannot hide from you.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 4 26-­34
Thank God for the parable of the mustard seed – an inspiration for our work in support of Kyema, and a reminder that from the tiniest things we can change our world for the good.


Monday 18th June
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 19th June
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Songs of Praise, Greenacres

Wednesday 20th June
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community
11.00am Parish Holy Communion and Lunch, St Bart’s

9.30am Morning Worship, St Bart’s
9.30am Holy Communion, St James’
11.15am Morning Worship, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Other dates for your diary

Friday 22nd June
10am -­ 12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am -­ 12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Saturday 23rd June
11am to 5pm St Mary’s, Summer Open Day
And it’s nearly time for the St Barts Real Ale Fest and Hot Roast as part of the Meltham Memories Wartime Weekend

Saturday 30th June from 11.30am
Sunday 1st July from 11.30am
Proceeds for St Bart’s Church and The Welcome Centre – Foodbank and more…