
Weekly News – w/c 14th October

PLEASE PRAY for all those in physical or emotional pain. Help them to trust in the Lord who “heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3)

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 17, 11-19 – If a leper who was also a Samaritan was the outcast in Jesus’s day – who are the outcasts in our world that we need to reach out to in the knowledge that God loves them as much as any one of us.


Monday 14th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 15th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 16th October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 20th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church, Holy Communion
11.15am St Mary’s, Service of the Word

Tuesday 14th October
8.15pm – An evening with Mick Pease – Waggon & Horses – all welcome

Friday 18th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Saturday 19th October
Women’s Day at Huddersfield Cathedral House. £25 including lunch. 09.15am to 4.30pm. Christine Bleasdale has 10 tickets or contact Fiona via the vicarage.

15th Annual Last Night of the Proms at 7.30pm in St Bartholomew’s Church with Meltham and Meltham Mills Band and guest vocalist Rowena
Burton. Tickets £8 from Cafe 33 and The Flower Box, Market Place or pay at the door. Proceeds as in the past shared equally between the band and the church. Good music guaranteed. Come along and support.

Wednesday 23rd October.
Prayer and planning for Growth in numbers, spiritual commitment and service our local community. Please join if you can, 7.30pm at the Vicarage.