PLEASE PRAY for our United Kingdom, that we will be tolerant and resilient and adjust to change. Help us to play our part to rise above ideology and build up the common good.
READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 18, 9-14 13 – “The tax collector stood alone too. But when he prayed, he would not even look up to heaven. He felt very humble before God. He said, ‘O God, have mercy on me. I am a sinner!’ I tell you, when this man finished his prayer and went home, he was right with God. But the Pharisee, who felt that he was better than others, was not right with God. People who make themselves important will be made humble. But those who make themselves humble will be made important.”
Monday 21st October
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church
Tuesday 22nd October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Holy Communion at Greenacres
Wednesday 23rd October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s
Thursday 24th October
2.00pm Holy Communion at Helme Hall
NEXT SUNDAY 27th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Holy Communion
11.15am Christ Church, Service of the Word
11.15am St Mary’s, Holy Communion
Friday 25th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
Wednesday 23rd October.
Prayer and planning for Growth in numbers, spiritual commitment and service our local community. Please join if you can, 7.30pm at the Vicarage.
Sunday 3rd November, 4.00pm Memorial Service at St Bart’s – a service for anyone who would like some time and space to remember someone who has passed away at any time in the past and to give thanks for their life.