
Weekly News / Diary – w/c 27th January

PLEASE PRAY for unity. In the Christian church around the world, across our Churches in Meltham, in our own Parish: that our similarities shine through and our differences pale into insignificance as we live out our faith and hope in the Lord.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 4, 12-23 – The first followers of Jesus gave up steady jobs and family life to follow him. Help us to put God first, to ask for His guidance in our lives and for strength to answer his call – whatever that may be.


Monday 27th January
09.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 28th January
09.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Holy Communion, Greenacres.

Wednesday 29th January
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 2nd February
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’ ONE FOR ALL Service of the Word
11.15am St Mary’s, Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church, Holy Communion

Tuesday 28th January
2.00pm St Bart’s Women’s Fellowship annual meeting. New members very welcome, come and see.

Friday 31st January
10.00am-12 noon St James’ Community Card Group. New members very welcome. For information contact Christine Rolls on 01484 340342
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Please remember our Food Bank. People are in genuine need. You can call the dedicated number 07564 764137 to find out what items are needed and then donate at Morrisons, the Co-op, or direct to the Crossroads Centre between 10 and midday, Monday to Friday.