Wednesday 19th February – 7.30pm at St Bartholomew’s Church
Extraordinary Parochial Church Meeting:
EVERYONE from across the Parish is invited to come and discuss the new constitution for our Parish and if you’re on the Church electoral roll, you can vote on it.
This is where you can find out the facts about how we move forward together to do God’s work in Meltham, Meltham Mills, Wilshaw and Helme.
Here’s some background information from Rev’d John:
So, what’s so important? There have been certain “irregularities” identified within the governance of the parish. It is important that I explain that these issues are largely procedural, and that they stem from the difficulties caused by The Church of England’s system being designed for a Parish with one Parish Church rather than the four we have in our Parish. Therefore, we are asking our diocese to authorise a few adaptations to the rules to allow appropriate representation of each Parish Church within the established Church of England governance system.
I recognise that this may all seem a bit dull to some and perhaps a bit unspiritual. I must admit that it is not where I would wish the focus of my own ministry to be, and that I will be happy to see it all completed so that we can all focus on the things that consider to be the true calling of the Church. That said, it is clear from biblical passages like Acts 15 (the council of Jerusalem) that even the earliest expressions of Church needed to establish some form of governance to enable the leadership of their ministry and to settle or avoid disputes.
If all of this seems a little confusing, then please come along to the upcoming meetings where I hope I will be able to offer a straightforward explanation.
God Bless
Rev’d John