
Weekly bulletin for Easter

At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.

He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”

            Jesus said to her, “Mary.”

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).

John 20:13-16 (NIV)

Do you get it? do you really get Easter?

In our Gospel reading today there are a few examples of people not really getting what’s going on. Peter and John are dashing about trying to understand, trying to get it. But they go home, back to the others. The reading says that they believe but it’s not entirely clear what it is that they believe. Perhaps they do believe that Jesus is risen but do they really get Easter yet.

The angel talking to Mary seems like quite a pained conversation, I’m not at all sure that they were both on the same page at all. Mary is mourning the death of Jesus and the angel is celebrating Jesus’s victory over death and sin.

So, he asks “why are you crying?”.

Then Jesus calls Mary by name and she got it, she got Easter. Jesus calls us all by name, do you hear him calling your name today?

Reverend John (Vicar)

Following recent guidelines from the Church of England and the government.

All churches will be closed for public worship until further notice.

This now includes private prayer and funerals.

Funerals can still be held at the crematorium and at the grave side with a maximum of ten mourners.

All weddings are postponed until further notice.


Our parish communion will be posted on our website this will be pre-recorded but Rev John will be repeating the service at 10:30am though you can join in at any time to suit.

Happy Easter