To everyone in Meltham – PLEASE SHARE.
We are praying for you and your family and friends.
Are you too looking for a simple way to pray for someone during these difficult times? Join the Meltham prayer campaign either online or at home which has been set up so that we can all pray for those we care about, love and miss.
You can make a simple prayer and encourage others to also join in by sharing on your social media and using the hashtag #melthamprays along with your prayer – e.g.
“I am praying for my Mum & Dad in isolation #melthamprays”
“I’d like to pray for the 84 year old widower I spoke to yesterday who told me how much he simply missed physical contact with anyone #melthamprays”
“I’m praying for the kids on our street who are missing playing out with each other #melthamprays”
You could also draw and colour-in a picture to display in your window – again to tell others you are praying and to encourage them to do also. Only use photos of people if you have their permission first.
Remember, anyone can pray…………for anyone!
Let’s pray for each other!
We will also have special day of prayer on Saturday 16th May where we can especially think about all those people in our #melthamprays prayers.