
11am DAILY PRAYER (or any alternative time) 1st JUNE

Hello everyone

On the day of Pentecost Jesus’ disciples experience being filled dramatically with God’s Holy Spirit, the culmination of many centuries of waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promise, made known through Old Testament prophets. Acts 2.1-21

Long before the Holy Spirit became an article of the creed, He was a living reality in the experience of the early Church. Edward Schweizer

The whole (ecumenical) enterprise is the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of love, working in us, uniting us in love and building us up in the truth. Those are the things that matter. We must avoid binding the Spirit by our stupidity and narrowness and lack of faith. Archbishop Michael Ramsey

On Sunday 31 May Christians all over the world celebrated the day of Pentecost.

Disappointed followers of Jesus were locked-down in an upper room filled with more perspiration, than inspiration. The disciples were afraid they would suffer the same fate as their master. They listened and prayed that no one would discover their hiding place and the world would leave them safe in their isolation.                                                                                                               Yet the Holy Spirit is not stopped by locked doors or locked hearts. the Spirit comes, not like a spring breeze passing gently through a room, it is more like a hurricane, flattening all the protective barriers against it force. The Holy Spirit takes this group of disappointed followers and on the day of Pentecost completely transforms them.

Try and place yourself in this scene.

What similarities do you see in the short account of Pentecost with effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic in our world today?

Please allow the Holy Spirit a few minutes to guide your thoughts and knowledge to pray for our world.

Gaps are left for personal thought to be expressed and you can add to the list

Heavenly Father hear my intercession for ……..

All Nations of the world…. our own nation……our own communities …our township.

For our families ….friends….neighbours ….those alone….. giving thanks for them.

Giving thanks for those who are selflessly serving others at this time.

For those supporting the Crossroads project and its food bank….

Help us Lord in the midst of our own weakness and anxieties, to be able to help others….

This week marks the start of a rolling programme for getting staff and children back into school starting with Early Years, Reception and Year 6..….our leaders are also relaxing some of the measures in place in the world of business, commerce and manufacturing from 1st June.

We need to pray earnestly for our Leaders…..  It will have not passed notice this week that there has been confusion and a great deal of anger from all quarters of leadership

A week after the celebration of Pentecost…. we give thanks for the virtual services…online.

We ask that the Holy Spirit will increase our trust in God’s presence and His same transforming power…. Alive and with us now   AMEN

Keep safe. Keep praying