
MCT 11am PRAYERS (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

When we do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays in us.  As we begin our prayers this week, lets pause for a few moments to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives to enlighten our hearts and minds.

Romans 8:26-27

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

St Paul knows how hard it can be to pray at times. He encourages the young church at Rome by reminding them and us, of the work of the Spirit deep within our hearts.

Is there a particular type of prayer that brings you closer to God?

The Spirit communicates to God on our behalf, bringing to God our deepest hurts and longings – the things we struggle to say.

What current issues in our world make you groan or sigh?

What issues do you struggle to pray about?

Lift them to God now. God searches the heart.

Allow Jesus to pour his love and healing into anything you are keeping hidden, trying to run away from, or causing you pain.

THE ‘VENITE’  (Oh Come let us sing to the Lord) is an ancient hymn of the church, based on Psalm 95.

This song of invitation to worship and praise is associated with the Matins or Morning Prayer worship, going back to monastic times….

I share with you the way which often helps and keeps me focused and closer to God.   I like to read or sing the canticles, hymns and worship songs.

Two examples below which are both composed by Matt Redman.


Verse 1Purify my heart // Let me be as gold and precious silver // Purify my heart // Let me be as gold, pure gold.
[Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy // Set apart for You, Lord //

I choose to be holy // Set apart for You, my Master // Ready to do Your will
[Verse 2] Purify my heart// Cleanse me from within and make me holy
Purify my heart // Cleanse me from my sin, deep within//

(Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy…………


V1 To be in your presence //to sit at your feet//when your love surrounds me
and makes me complete

(Chorus) This is my desire, o Lord //this is my desire //this is my desire, o Lord// this is my desire//
V2 To rest in your presence //not rushing away// to cherish each moment//
here I would stay//


You might like to pause, clear your mind, be still and use the words of these two songs letting  the Holy Spirit work deeply within you.

Keep Safe, Keep Praying                   
