Christians in #Meltham have been busy making hearts – 1000 of them!
The task brought out hidden talents and developed a real sense of joy and fellowship. Church members have delivered the first batch of Easter Hearts to the three schools in Meltham with this message:
Covid-19 has touched communities all over the world. There has been heart-breaking loss of life and disruption to every sphere of life. We have also experienced the very best: the courage and sacrifice of NHS and social care workers, the emergency services, and key workers; the hard work of teachers preparing lessons online and teaching children who have had to come into school; the pressure on parents to home school and find ways to care for their children, the friendships children have had to put on hold as they have been unable to leave their homes.
These Hearts are firstly a gift from Christians in Meltham to say thanks to the Teachers for battling with remote learning, teaching in bubbles caring for children of key workers and many more unsung tasks. To parents, carers, and children who have done their best in such a challenging situation. They recognise the love of all involved. We want you to know that you are valued and appreciated.
Secondly the Hearts are a reminder that at this time, we remember the Easter story – that God’s love is so amazing. He came to earth in Jesus, loved and lived among us. He understands what life is like. On Good Friday, Jesus died for our sins. Past mistakes, decisions and failures can be put right.
There’s hope! The message of Easter is that death is not the end. There are new beginnings. In these challenging times, we are not alone. We love because Jesus first loved us.
The Hearts remind us of real love. What are you to do with the Hearts?
The Hearts in the cellophane bags are for the children to take home to give to their parents or Carers simply to say “Thank You! for caring – you are special ”
The Hearts in the organza bags are to staff recognising all that has been done to say “Thank You! for caring – you are special”