
Easter Hearts – the real love story continues……..

The residents and staff at Greenacres, Helme Hall and Stable Court have received the hearts, made by Christians in Meltham. These Hearts are firstly a gift from Christians in Meltham to say thanks to the Staff in our care homes, the unsung heroes, key workers who have faced huge challenges and yet who have quietly got on with caring for the very vulnerable – and carrying out many more unsung tasks. The hearts are to remind them that they are not forgotten. We want them to know that they are valued and appreciated.

The residents in our local homes, have been missing out on the most human interactions, unable to hug or be hugged, many isolated from their families and those who love them. The hearts are to remind them that they are not forgotten.

Secondly the Hearts are a reminder that at this time, we remember the Easter story – that God’s love is so amazing, loving us without limits.