
Parish Magazine – November 2021

Wow! What a busy month we have ahead of us in the #Meltham Parish, which is great to see (compared to last year). Especially the Sundays this month, see the Vicar’s letter for details. There are so many groups starting afresh for various activities across the Parish to get involved with, you’ll have to look through the mag to find them all as there are too many to mention here!

We also have a lovely poem from Pam and an interesting article on a recent pilgrimage Martyn had. Finally I make no apologies for the many pictures of rainbows this month, God really wants to remind us of His love for us almost daily, the ones from the Vicarage were taken on the same day!

Thank you to all who have contributed this month. The next deadline for the much needed contributions will be an earlier one: Friday 19th November 2021.

Please note that there is a small typo on the printed copies in the Vicar’s letter – it should read £130,000 and not £160,000 as printed. Apologies! This online version has however already been corrected.