Dear friends ‘Happy Christmas’ from all in Jigsaw. We thank you so much for all your support through love, prayer, gifts and school sponsorship throughout 2021. You have empowered Jigsaw to Share God’s love in so many ways with so many in need and hardship, thank you so much. Jigsaw Christmas Appeal 2021 Christmas is a wonderful time to share the love, joy, peace, and provision of the good News of the birth of Jesus with those in most need and we invite you and your churches to join us in the ministry of Jigsaw through this appeal. This Christmas appeal is focussing on raising money for two important Jigsaw needs. |
1. Jigsaw Christmas Parties:![]() At Christmas each year we share the Good News of the birth of Jesus, ‘God with us’ with over 2000 children, young people and families living on the streets and in slum and squatter areas in Metro Manila through Jigsaw Christmas Parties.The total we need for this year’s Christmas parties (£2.50 per child) is a total of £5000. Your gifts will go towards providing a wonderful party for over 2000 of the neediest children and young people. Each party will have games, songs, dancing, drama, a hot Christmas meal, the telling of the Christmas story and a Christmas gift for each child. Please join us in bringing Christmas this year to each of these children and families by giving as you can to this appeal for Christmas parties, thank you so much. 2. A New Van for Jigsaw ![]() In 2004 churches and supporters in the UK raised the funds for Jigsaw to buy a new van for their ministry. Little did we know that that van would be serving Jigsaw each and every day for the next 17 years. The van has never stopped moving carrying staff, toys, food and resources to slum and street ministries each day, taking children and families to schools, clinics and hospitals, distributing emergency relief and much, much more. However, after all these years the life of the Jigsaw van has come to an end, and it is time to pray and appeal for a new van for Jigsaw’s ministry. A new L300 Mitsubishi van costs £14,000 pounds which seems an impossible amount to even say, let alone think about but we trust in our mighty God for all we need. Please join us in prayer and gifts for the funds Jigsaw needs to buy a new van to continue its ministry for the next 17 years. We remember the loaves and the fishers and God’s miracles with the small that we can give, together with God miracles can be done. Amen. Giving to the Jigsaw Christmas appeal 2021:Gifts can be deposited to our bank account or transferred online to: Jigsaw Kids Ministries Lloyds Bank Account number: 03952804 Sort Code: 30-94-43 Cheques can be sent to Jigsaw UK office: 1st Floor Chapel House, Chapel Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5DX Gift references: Please use the following references for your gifts: Gifts for the Christmas parties please use the ref: JigCpartiesGifts for the New Jigsaw van please use the reference JigVanGift Aid: If you haven’t signed a gift aid form for Jigsaw and you would like to please use the following link and fill in an online gift aid form. Thank you. you everyone, Happy Christmas: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Isaiah 9 vs 6-7. |