

Evening House Group – Follow The Star – The Great Invitation

Over the summer and early part of the autumn some folk expressed an interest in getting some more fellowship time together to explore God’s word, to reflect on it together and to get to know others better in the Meltham church community.

From 28th November for four successive Mondays we’d like to give you the opportunity to join us in a new House Group where we will spend an hour or so working through some reflection materials that the Church of England has come up with – called “Follow The Star – The Great Invitation”.  We’ll aim to start at 2000hrs each Monday and finish by no later than 2130hrs.

There is absolutely no forward commitment and if you can’t do all the dates that’s fine too.  After Christmas we will take stock and hopefully there will be enthusiasm for carrying on and we can discuss frequency, format etc.

As the long winter evenings draw in and there is less and less daylight time we hope the idea of meeting up is attractive to you!