
Parish Magazine – December 2022 – Christmas Edition

Happy Christmas!
A very warm welcome to those who may be reading this for the first time. We hope you like it and find
something that interests you in it. The magazine is printed every month and is available in our Churches or on the parish website:

Thank you to all who have contributed this month and throughout the year. I really couldn’t make it the
magazine it is without you. This month is a great Christmas edition and you can find out about all what is happening in our Churches this Christmas on the centre pages. Also there is an update from Meltham Mustard Seed project and and from The Crossroads project too.

The next deadline for the delayed January magazine will be:
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Please send them via:
via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

God Bless, and have a joyful Christmas.