
Christmas Services in the Parish of Meltham – 2022

Join us this Christmas at any of our 4 parish churches as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
There’s something to suit everyone – ALL WELCOME! Please share……….

Saturday 17th December, Christingle Service, at 4:00pm – Christ Church, Helme.

Saturday 17th December, Carols in the PUB, at 7:30pm – The Wagon and Horses, Meltham

Sunday 18th December, Nativity Carol Service, at 4:00pm – St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham.

Christmas Eve, Crib Service, at 4:00pm – St James Church, Meltham Mills.

Christmas Eve, Midnight Communion, at 11:30pm – St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham

Christmas Day:
9:30am St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.
10:00am Christ Church, Helme.
11:15am St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw.