
Parish Magazine – January 2023

Happy New Year!

Wow! What a great edition to kick start the new year. Hear about all the wonderful events that took place across our parish in the run up to Christmas; especially the trip Judith took with the Meltham Shoe boxes and also the ever popular Carols in the Park and Pub.

This month’s edition is running a little late. I’m sure as a valued reader you will forgive me and understand the time that this magazine needs as well as the pressures of being a mother and the vicar’s wife too! As a result February’s edition will be coming very soon.

Therefore please can you send in your contributions to me as soon as possible so I can include them.
The next deadline of the magazine will be Friday 20th January 2023. Please send them via: or via the vicarage letterbox (150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL).

God Bless,