Join us at St Bartholomew’s Church in #Meltham on Palm Sunday (2nd April) at 4pm to hear this rendition of the Easter Story. It will be sung by our augmented choir of over 25 voices and two guest soloists; Richard Cook (Tenor) and David Kaye (Baritone).
Described as a sacred cantata, ‘Olivet to Calvary’ recalls the scenes which mark the last few days of Christ’s life on earth. Part 1 starts with Christ’s jubilant journey to Jerusalem and ends with the scene on the Mount of Olives.
Part 2 begins with the Feast of Passover with Christ’s commandment to his disciples to ‘Love one Another’ and ends with the Crucifixion at Calvary.
It will also feature images relating to the story displayed on the big screen as it is being sung and is interspersed with congregational hymns for everyone to join in together.
Free admission. All welcome.