
3rd October



Our next Oasis Quiet Day will be held on Thursday 3rd October at St James’ Meltham MIlls

For those who are unfamiliar with OASIS Days, they are held at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.

We begin in the Church Hall with coffee and biscuits served from 10.00. The Quiet Day then begins in the church promptly at 10.30.     

There is a theme for the day to guide our thoughts-The theme will be ‘Advance and Retreat’.

 We introduce the day, with a short Act of Worship using carefully selected music, readings and prayers.   

There is then a time of Silence. Some people may use the time to read; reflect; pray; maybe go for a walk. Everyone is free to use the time as they wish.

We bring packed lunches and enjoy an hour of fellowship from 12.00 – 1.00pm.

After lunch we return to the worship area for a further time of prayer, followed by a simple service of Holy Communion in the Celtic tradition. The service will be lead by our friend Rev Martin Crompton. We are always finished before 3.00pm

This is just a brief outline- basically OASIS Days are a gift for everyone to press their ‘pause’ button and share in a time of quiet rest and reflection.

Please feel free to stay as long as you wish. We know how busy life can be.

 For more information please ask a member of the Oasis team: Daphne, Hester, Christine W, Christine R, Jenny M