
Parish Magazine – October/November 2024

Welcome to the Autumn edition of the #Meltham Parish Magazine. As I wait for the vicar to write his letter, I am preparing for an adventure to London (no kids allowed!) as I am now a member of the Association for Church Editors, and on my way to the annual meeting. So hopefully I’ll have lots of ideas on how to keep this magazine running smoothly. However in the mean time I hope you enjoy this edition, there’s articles on intriguing things, Part 2 of Church bells and Elizabeth takes over the reigns from Jenny on going greener.

It is you who makes this magazine as interesting as possible, so please do keep sending in any articles or ideas for future editions. They are all welcome and I’m thankful to you all how contributed to this edition. Please continue to send them in.

The deadline of the December / January magazine will be Monday 18th November 2024.

God Bless, Fiona.