

Hello everyone

Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice; seek the Lord and be strengthened, seek his face always.

Entering prayer today, we seek the Lord, seeking his face, looking for the signs of his presence in our lives. Looking for His gentle hand guiding us into truth, peace and love.

Isaiah 55:6-9 Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake their way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. “

Jesus spent a lot of His time with unpopular people. A good example can be seen in Luke’s gospel where a woman anoints the feet of Jesus with precious oil and wipes them clean with her hair. This, and other events recorded in the gospels, scandalised onlookers – it did not accord with how they thought God should work, with how the Messiah should behave. During the Pandemic the majority of us conformed whilst others blatantly broke the set rules.

God is looking for men and women to whom He can communicate what needs to be done to rescue humanity.  Like Moses we must spend time with God before we can communicate the Heart of God to those around us and to the world. 

So, Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.” If sometimes your thoughts dwell on the past, regretting that you did not do this or that, or on the future, speculating or worrying about what the outcome will be like, is there a message here for you?  A message to attend to the present, to the now.

If you sometimes think that God is somewhere else, and that you could really do God’s will if only you were somewhere else, if only you had made different life choices, if only you weren’t living among such impossible people…. is there a message for you here? That God is not somewhere else, but where you are now?   

Read the passage from Isaiah 55 again, notice the balance between the nearness of God and the transcendence of God. God is not like us, yet God is close to us.

Your path to God is the one you are on right now, and there is no other. You cannot start, or move on, from anywhere but here. So perhaps now would be a good time to ask God for the help you need to get closer to him.


God of compassion,                                                                                                                                                                                                              have mercy on this Nation and our world in this time of fear and confusion:                                                                              

We bring before you those who are struggling and those who tend to their needs;                                                                                                                                                          may those in isolation know your comfort and company                                                                                                                      and may neighbours show your love in works of care, kindness and prayer;                                                                        

we pray for the National Health Service and all engaged in scientific research                                                                                               and we pray too for those  upon whose shoulders                                                                                                                                          the yolk of leadership rests                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that in their conversation and communication                                                                                                                                                                                your still small voice may be heard;                                                                                                                                                                                                 We ask this in the Power of the Holy Spirit,                                                                                                                                                            through to the One who stretched out His hands to bless and to heal                                                                                                                      even Jesus Christ our Lord Amen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                



PS from Peter –  I confess to looking back to those outstanding moments where God chose to seek me out – rather than seeking Him out, listening to the still small voice, and watching to see where God is in the here and now.

MCT 11am (or any convenient time) Prayers

Hello Everyone,                MCT PRAYERS.  


‘…..Making the most of the time’ (v16)

TIME. Our relationship with it is one of the great stresses of our age. There is never enough of it. Our obsession with finding faster ways of doing things makes no difference. ‘Time Management’ is one of the most frequent searches on the internet. But ‘making the most of the time’ suggests something different. There is certainly a call to live wisely and responsibly here, but rather than a call to improve our organisational skills, we are being invited to live in time’s fullness. This is not about the quantity of time managed so much as the quality of time lived.

If we are to make the most of the challenges and opportunities of life, we will need a trusting relationship with time. Without it, our best intended activities will tend to be anxious, driven, reactive and increasingly lacking in depth.

What might it mean to live as if there really is time enough?

Time is God’s gift. So the first response might be to develop a habit of gratitude in relation to it. God allows time to be time. Time gives life its priority and direction. There is gift in the constraints time places upon our activities. Without time, nothing would have any more significance than anything else. Time is not working against us or denying us our truest vocation.

Therefore, thank God for time.       From a Reflection by David Runcorn


Spirit of All Creation: May our faith in you and one another guide us

as we cannot yet see our way through this time of crisis.

May our hope in you and the goodness of our neighbours

strengthen us as we endure our discomforts and fears.

Give comfort to all who are emotionally, physically, and spiritually distressed.

Bless our healthcare providers and all who are taking care of those who are ill.

Grant wisdom and discernment to those who are researching and searching                                                                                                                      for medicines to combat our diseases, the coronavirus, and other illnesses.

Help us to reassure and comfort our children and protect them from harm and danger.

Grant, O God, to those who lead our governments, institutions, and hospitals,

our schools and local organizations, safety, and emergency services, and ourselves,

wisdom beyond our own wisdom to contain the coronavirus,

faith beyond our own faith to help us to fight our fears

and strength beyond our own strength to be resilient

and sustain all our vital institutions through this time of turmoil.

Although we are physically separated from one another help us,                                                                                                                

Eternal One, to maintain our social connection to one another by our

creatively and ethically using social media.

Help each of us to know that there is something in us stronger than fear.                                                                                                                             

Birth in us a new sense of hope that will help us to rise above the clouds of despair.

Grant, Eternal Love, that we emerge from this time of crisis a more loving people                                                                                                                 who are more committed to the welfare of all and the earth that sustains us.


Reflection by Rev. Frederick J. Streets senior pastor of

Dixwell Congregational Church, New Haven, CT.

Issue Title: Hard Times, Gospel Values Issue Year: 2020



MCT PRAYERS week beginning 21.09.20

Hello Everyone

‘Christ be near at either hand’. Let me make these simple words my prayer today.                                                                                                Let me know Christ’s presence in my life, Christ’s closeness to me in every moment of this day and let me welcome that presence with an open heart.

St Paul often seems over-confident, but his confidence in God is not something he has created.  It was his gift from God at the time of his conversion.

As you read this reading from St Paul’s letter to the Romans, put yourself with Paul in this gesture of faith and availability.  

No matter what, we are the Lord’s… Romans 14:7-9      We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.

We hear a lot these days about self-help. Bookshops are filled with guides to achieve this or that target. People in the media claim that they are self-made successes. There are countless memes, (a meme is typically a photo or video) about ‘doing it for yourself’. Motivational speakers encourage us to be self-aware, to be filled with self-esteem. Perhaps you have engaged with a self-help programme? Did it satisfy or leave you wanting something more…? Perhaps it left you desiring God to step in… Of course, taking care of yourself is a compassionate, mature, adult thing to do. But self-help is not easy. There is a phrase, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup’. Have you heard this phrase? What do you think it means for you? Where might you be filled again? As Christians, we are vessels, like those made by Jeremiah’s potter. Gathered and shaped, spoiled and made over by an attentive, loving God.  Our life, and our death, are grace filled by the Father’s hands, given over by his Son’s death and resurrection. In all that we are, we are the Lord’s.

Ponder on the Questions asking do they resonate with your own experience.  

Keep your thoughts in mind and re-read the reading from Romans 14 again…

In thirty-six years in Ordained Ministry Romans 14:7-9 must be the scripture I have leaned on most. It has been most helpful with the bereaved whether it was used in the funeral service or not. For me personally it gave me confidence simply to know that I belong to the Lord and it has been a comfort and assurance to those I have shared that knowledge with.

Some months ago, In a rare bout of feeling down and struggling with confidence, a number of faithful Christians were a great support and help to me. I was given a book on mindfulness. I would probably say that the visit of the giver was more of a tonic than the book itself. I must say that it’s a good book, and I read it, but it made hard work of regaining confidence. I ought to have remembered that the answer to my problems lay waiting for me in Romans 14. And like the pot in the potter’s hand I needed to be reshaped and refilled with Gods Holy Spirit.

‘Christ be near at either hand’. Let me make these simple words my prayer today. Let me know Christ’s presence in my life,

Christ’s closeness to me in every moment of this day and let me welcome that presence with an open heart.

You alone, O God, are infinite in love. You alone can speak to our condition.

You alone can search the mind and purify the heart. You alone can flow over our darkness with the ocean of eternal light George Fox 1624 -1691

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.



Hello everyone

On Sunday 22 March CHURCH leaders in Britain and Ireland urged Christians to take part in a National Day of Prayer and Action about the problems caused by coronavirus. People were asked to light a candle in their window at 7 p.m. that evening “as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ”.

A chance conversation between Judith Powell and Liz Noble sparked off the idea to set a time in the day to join with others to pray.

The Churches Together in Meltham welcomed the idea and 11-00am was adopted as a time we might pray knowing that others who could manage the time would be praying alongside each other. Others may wish to join in solidarity at a time more suitable 

 for them. This week’s Prayer sheet is our twenty-eighth.

Our first Prayer in March was as follows: —

Dear God,

I need your peace now.

Silence my thoughts of confusion.

Silence my thoughts of anxiety.

Silence my thoughts of grief or despair.

Silence my thoughts of hurt or anger.

When there is chaos and turmoil surrounding me, shelter and protect me with your peace and loving, powerful presence.

As I take this time to stop and pray, fill me with your peaceful presence.

With each breath I take, I breathe in your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Help me to focus on peace instead of unrest.

I surrender my unrest to you so that I may receive peace. Help me to be a spark that ignites peace in others.    Amen

By week seven Nick Fawcett’s book of prayers ‘For a time such as this’ proved well. Nick Fawcett served as a Baptist minister for thirteen years, and as a chaplain with the national charity Toc H for three, before deciding to focus on a writing ministry. His book of prayers touches almost every aspect of praying in the face of the Pandemic that we are living through. His book contains 52 prayers “one for every week of the year”. Quick off the mark getting his book published. His words are almost prophetic.

Here are a few of his headings for prayer:- ‘When you are struggling to know what to pray fo’r – ‘For Those struck down by coronavirus’ –‘When our prayers seem so inadequate’ – ‘For scientists seeking a vaccine’ – ‘ Trusting that God is with us however it seems otherwise’ –‘When it seems there’s  no end to the crisis’.

From the list of his prayers I have chosen today:-

Learning from this crisis.


We thought we were in control,

But find we are not.

We thought we were strong,

But find we are weak.

We thought we had all the answers,

But find ourselves now beset by questions.

We thought we were ready,

but find ourselves unprepared.

We thought we had life mapped out,

But find instead that the future is uncertain.

We thought that we could deal with anything,

But we find ourselves struggling to cope.

Lord, we are confronted by awkward                                                                                                                                           uncomfortable truths.

And we do not like to face them,

but face them we must.

Help us to pause and take stock,

to reflect and through adversity

to learn and to grow. Amen

Recently we have also been using John Bells book “Living with the Psalms”. John is part of Wild Goose and Iona Community. He is a musician and song writer and an authority on the Psalms.

Almost half of the Psalms deal with life gone wrong. The Psalms are a testimony of a people who seek God in every aspect of daily living.

The Psalms are a wonderful resource for us to use in our prayer times. They can help us join in the symphony of Praise to our creator God and they also contain joy and lamentations, hope, and salvation.

This Monday we enter the ”rule of six.”  We have observed Government guidelines including Lockdown. People overall have been creative in adjusting their lives and helping both the community and their neighbours.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that we are entering a new academic year a time of renewal of purpose and vision. The past year has held unimaginable moments for many during the pandemic. As Christians we need to be steadfast in prayer as we see the potential for things to get worse if we don’t follow the government guide lines.                                                                                                                

Psalm 5 Teaches us how to pray.

PSALM 5 v1—3

O Lord, hear me as I pray;
    pay attention to my groaning.
Listen to my cry for help, my Lord and my God,
    for I pray to no one but you.
Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.
    Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.



MCT 11am Prayer (or any alternative time) 7 September

Hello everyone

The Shape of things to come      –      The Potter and the Clay

Jeremiah 18:1-6

 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.’ So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me: Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. 

As a child, our family did not own a television set.  So, on Saturdays we visited my aunt and uncle along with some of their friends for our entertainment watching TV.  Supper was made and served during the Interlude.  No Social distancing!  During the interlude there were large Angel fish swimming back and forth, or a potter’s hands shaping the clay.

To watch a potter at work, it can look almost like magic.  A lump of wet clay turns swiftly into a shapely vessel.  In your mind’s eye take a moment to watch that happening.                                                                    

But if the clay if off-centre, the vessel will quickly collapse. The potter can only start again.

Watch that happening too, in your imagination.

This, Jeremiah is told, is how God works with us.  Each of us is moulded and re-shaped by God. Where do you recognise that pattern in your own life?

Read the Jeremiah passage slowly a couple of times and ask yourself what God is saying to you by showing Jeremiah the Potter at work.                                                                                                                                                                      

Respond in your own words to the Lord who is shaping your own life into something beautiful for God.

Prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola

A wonderful Prayer of surrender to God

You have given all to me. 

To you Lord, I return it.  

Everything is yours, do with it what you will. 

Give me only your love and your grace,

that is enough for me.    Amen

The Prophet Jeremiah was aware of Gods design to reshape the house of Israel, they were to be like clay in His hands.  St Augustine, in his Prayer, is responding to the love, mercy and grace of God after living a wildlife.  As an individual he was placing himself into the hands of God to be reshaped.

In the case of Jeremiah and the house of Israel, God is seen taking the initiative.  St Augustine on the other hand was responding to God and was willing to be reshaped by placing himself into the hands of God.

On a worldwide scale, humanity has had a wake-up call due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  2020 will be recorded in world History in every language and has been dubbed as the “New Norm”.   As Christians we would hope for more than that as our Creator God takes us in His hands and reworks us like the clay that is off centre and collapsed on the wheel.

We look to and pray to the One who can re-centre and re-shape us as individuals and as nations.



MCT 11 am PRAYERS (or any alternative time)

Hello Everyone,

‘Creation is the forum through which humanity can find proportion and wonder                                                          

 This is best articulated by Psalm 8, in which the author is overawed by the splendour of creation around him and is amazed that God should allow fallible humanity to have guardianship of the planet.’           J Bell    LIVING WITH THE PSALMS

Psalm 8.3–5 When I look up at your heavens, the work of your fingers, at the moon and the stars you have set in place, what is a frail mortal, that you should be mindful of him, a human being, that you should take notice of him? Yet you have made him a little less than a god, crowning his head with glory and honour.                                                                                                                                        ‘We are not the masters of the universe, nor are our human minds and bodies the only objects of fascination. All around us creation in its beauty and terror calls us to have a sense of proportion.’

Psalm 65.8 The dwellers at the ends of the earth are overawed by your signs.                                                                                                ‘Awe and wonder are evoked when we take long enough to be addressed by that which we are admiring. There is a poem, which used to be committed to memory by children, that begins; What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.’     We along with all the other nations of our world have had more time to observe, reflect and to be aware of those around us as we entered the Coronavirus Pandemic at the start of the new year.

‘To see the natural order as a potentially hostile or a limiting entity that we have to dominate until it bends to our will is not living in harmony with creation; it is living in enmity. But the Psalms also give a clue as to how that sense of proportion can be secured and maintained. It is by continually being drawn into wonder at the world that surrounds us, such that we behave in ways that will show we respect the integrity of the world God has made.’

‘The simplicity of the language of Psalms should impress the truth upon us that when we are solely concerned with what we do, what we own, who we are and how we feel, this self-absorption will be detrimental to our life. We need, from time to time, to be taken out of ourselves, confronted and blessed by being fascinated by the natural world of which we are not in control. For some people this experience is what they find through hill walking or mountain climbing; for others it is in rearing a pet that has its own individuality; for yet others it is in tending to a garden, admiring wildlife, stargazing or standing on the shore and watching the sea.  These are not romantic pursuits for those with time on their hands: they are the means by which we affirm our connectedness with all living things and are nurtured and even moved by a beauty not of our making’.  Never has there been such need for our connectedness with people and the natural world around us due to the pandemic lockdown.

Let us continue to use the psalms as a real resource for our prayers and let us spend time reflecting on how we and the those around us have been seeking our connectedness within our community.                                                                                                                                                                               

Psalm 145.10 All your creatures praise you, Lord, and your loyal servants bless you

Also this week let us focus our prayers on the return of our children to school and all that entails especially their safety and the safety of teachers and all ancillary staff.

KEEP SAFE – KEEP PRAYING       Peter                                                                                        

MCT 11am (or any alternative time) PRAYERS

GO PRAY 17th August

Hello Everyone

In their worship, the community of Taizé, in France, regularly sing Veni Creator Spiritus: Come, Creator Spirit.

We should also regularly request the Holy Spirit to Come amongst us and help us in our worship whether together or in our own prayer times.

As we begin to pray during this week we need to pause for a few moments to invite the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, to come into our lives, into our minds and into our hearts. And when we do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit will pray for us.

Our reading is from St Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Romans 8:26-27

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

St Paul knows how hard it can be to pray at times. He encourages the young church at Rome by reminding them and us, of the work of the Spirit deep within our hearts.

Is there a particular type of prayer that brings you closest to God?

The Spirit communicates to God on our behalf, bringing to God our deepest hurts and longings – the things we struggle to say.

What current issues in our world make you groan or sigh?

What issues do you struggle to pray about?

Lift them to God now. God who searches the heart.

Read Romans 8:26-27 again.  As you read Paul’s words again open your heart to God.   Allow Jesus to pour his love and healing into anything you are keeping hidden, trying to run away from, or causing you pain.

Leave some time at the end of your prayer time in the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. Be still, and clear your mind, be still and let the Spirit work deep within you.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.



MCT 11am (or any alternative time) PRAYERS


 Hello everyone

In the last two weeks, we have just touched on how Hymns and Psalms help us in worship and prayer. This week I would recommend to you a book by John L Bell. The title of his book is Living with the Psalms. He is an ordained minister, hymn writer, lecturer and broadcaster who lives in Glasgow. He is known to several people in Meltham who have attended various Christian events. He is a member of the Wild Goose Resource Group, which works under the aegis of the Iona Community. Again a few of our own people have been to Iona on Retreat.
John describes his book as – for the general reader that may be of interest to theologians and preachers. Some psalms have been sung since childhood. Some may even have been committed to memory and therefore be clothed with fond associations from our past.
Different people attribute personal interest and affection of the Psalms to a diversity of causes – the following four are the most popular reasons.

  • They cover a wide range of emotions. This is undoubtedly true but it tends to be the more positive emotions of joy, gratitude and praise than doubt, despair and anger that we can focus on
  • They have been set to music –  Psalm 100 set to the tune the Old Hundredth. Psalms 23 & 121 are also remembered because of their associated tunes.
  • Psalms are standard fare for Jewish Worship and have been used in the liturgies of Christian Churches since Pentecost.
  • Jesus knew and quoted the psalms.

PSALM 121   1 If I lift up my eyes to the hills, where shall I find help?                                                                                                      

This is one of the Psalms in frequent use. Misty- eyed romantics have regarded the psalm as a celebration of the wonders of creation—tree covered hills next to a calm loch overhung by white clouds in a blue sun-kissed sky. This is a misconception. For the writer, the hills were neither the source of aid nor alive with the sound of music. In the ancient world, the hills were places of mystery and of danger to travellers, especially where there was no path or guide. In them, thieves might hide, waiting to rob or mug unsuspecting travellers, as indicated in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37). So, when people were leaving a town or village, say on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, it would have been helpful for them to have a text in which they could ask where they might find security for a potentially dangerous journey.  They could ask – If I lift up my eyes to the hills, where shall I find help?  And they would be given the answer in v2 of the Psalm   2 My help comes only from the Lord, maker of Heaven and earth. 

In John Bell’s book it is not Psalm 1 –150 with commentary but rather he cleverly cross references by type and content which makes for a better understanding from the readers perspective. As you pray this week perhaps read a psalm per day and place yourself in the picture.    I suggest you leave out Psalm 88. 

As we pray let us be once again mindful of psalm 100 “It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” God listens to us as we intercede for all he created. Let us continue to offer thanks and intercessions for the world and for our community. 



MCT 11am (or any alternative time) DAILY PRAYERS

Hello Everyone

Last week I shared one of the ways that helps me to stay focused and closer to God. I gave an example of two modern songs composed by Matt Redman which I might read or sing and I always find it helpful to have a copy of the words.

Before I was seven years of age, I was a chorister in the choir at St Luke’s Milnsbridge. On Thursday Evenings it was rehearsal night for morning and evening Services the following Sunday. We went through the Hymns, Psalms & Canticles….. I loved it!   

The role of Psalms and Canticles in our services today does not have quite such a prominent part to play but are we missing out?  The Psalms are a real resource to help us in our prayer life.

This week I suggest using the psalms as a base for our prayers.

You may wish to have a Bible to read the words of the psalms and we  start with two psalms which give an invitation to come into the presence of God.

Psalm 95 v 1-7 – ‘Come let us sing to the Lord’

Psalm 100  — Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.   

It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 98 – leads us into a time of giving thanks and praise to God

Psalm 67 – Can lead us into a time of intercession for the world.

As we pray let us be mindful of psalm 100 “It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” God listens to us as we intercede for all he created.

  • There is profound disappointment as we go into lockdown in Kirklees. So we pray for all, living in the uncertainty, anxiety and frustration as we try to regain control of the virus.
  • We pray for the vulnerable, sick, dying and bereaved.
  • We pray for front line workers.
  • We plea for God to reach out and help us in all our needs.
  • We give thanks for all those in our community of Meltham caring and supporting people through the Food Bank and for neighbours who are watching out and helping each other.

As you go through the day be aware that God walks with you and remember the words of   verse 10 from Psalm 46  ‘Be Still and know that I am God’

Keep Safe, Keep Praying     


MCT 11am PRAYERS (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

When we do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays in us.  As we begin our prayers this week, lets pause for a few moments to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives to enlighten our hearts and minds.

Romans 8:26-27

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

St Paul knows how hard it can be to pray at times. He encourages the young church at Rome by reminding them and us, of the work of the Spirit deep within our hearts.

Is there a particular type of prayer that brings you closer to God?

The Spirit communicates to God on our behalf, bringing to God our deepest hurts and longings – the things we struggle to say.

What current issues in our world make you groan or sigh?

What issues do you struggle to pray about?

Lift them to God now. God searches the heart.

Allow Jesus to pour his love and healing into anything you are keeping hidden, trying to run away from, or causing you pain.

THE ‘VENITE’  (Oh Come let us sing to the Lord) is an ancient hymn of the church, based on Psalm 95.

This song of invitation to worship and praise is associated with the Matins or Morning Prayer worship, going back to monastic times….

I share with you the way which often helps and keeps me focused and closer to God.   I like to read or sing the canticles, hymns and worship songs.

Two examples below which are both composed by Matt Redman.


Verse 1Purify my heart // Let me be as gold and precious silver // Purify my heart // Let me be as gold, pure gold.
[Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy // Set apart for You, Lord //

I choose to be holy // Set apart for You, my Master // Ready to do Your will
[Verse 2] Purify my heart// Cleanse me from within and make me holy
Purify my heart // Cleanse me from my sin, deep within//

(Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy…………


V1 To be in your presence //to sit at your feet//when your love surrounds me
and makes me complete

(Chorus) This is my desire, o Lord //this is my desire //this is my desire, o Lord// this is my desire//
V2 To rest in your presence //not rushing away// to cherish each moment//
here I would stay//


You might like to pause, clear your mind, be still and use the words of these two songs letting  the Holy Spirit work deeply within you.

Keep Safe, Keep Praying                   
