

Hello Everyone

Over a number of years, Meltham Churches Together Prayer Group met in each other’s buildings on Wednesdays at 10 – 10-30am following a Rota. It was good to pray in our places of worship.  More recently, for a number of reasons, it was decided that it made more sense to meet at St Bartholomew’s, due its centrality, especially in the winter months. Leadership of each session being shared following the Rota from the different churches and including our Quaker Friend.

I remember well a prayer meeting where one of our Baptist members, was in charge.   George Mellor opened his Bible and shared the prayer below, a prayer which he had glued to the inside cover of his Bible. You will recognize it as a confessional prayer. In most worship services we have a prayer of Confession and Absolution (Forgiveness) early on to re-establish our relationship with God and to set us free to worship, praise, adore and thank Him.

Gracious God, forgive me for those things I should have done but have left undone: the acts of kindness I never found time for, the thoughtful word never spoken, the message of encouragement or concern never sent, the helpful deed never attempted. Forgive me for all the opportunities I have missed: the plans I never made, the dreams I never brought to reality, the possibilities I never even imagined, the gifts I never used. Forgive me for my failure to serve you as I promised: the prayers I never offered, the sacrifices I never made, the faith I never had, the commitment I never gave. Forgive me for so often having time only for self: for being self-centered, self -important, self- righteous, self-interested., self-indulgent, self-opinionated. Forgive me for forgetting my friends, my neighbours, and, above all you. Gracious God save me from being a person of unfulfilled intentions. Help me to translate my thoughts into actions, to put my preaching into practice and so to turn my good intentions into good deeds, to the Glory of your Name.                                        Amen

I trust that through the Holy Spirit you might find this prayer helpful.  It is a prayer worth meditating on. Where do you see yourself in the words of this prayer?   

As a confessional prayer it is written by someone who desperately wants to love and serve Jesus. Someone who understands repentance as openness to the will of God and the way to forgiveness.

If you have other prayers that work for you, I would love to receive a copy to share on these pages of prayer.      

With UK’s Covid 19 Alert level being reduced, the virus is now in  – ‘General Circulation’ which gives us a gradual relaxation where possible. The general populous might well ask how this is to be managed?     Newsflashes appear several times a day informing us of things where we have ‘No Power’ to change but to heed and follow the advice we are given by our Leaders, experts. and scientists. What we do have, when we are open to God through his forgiveness of us, is the Power to intercede for those who are struggling to get through the chaos of our times and for those who are giving of themselves to help others. We also have an opportunity to pray for the whole world and its needs. In our prayers let us open ourselves to the Holy Spirit that we might pray according to God’s Will listening in silence and using our imagination to express what we hear from God who has the answers to all our needs.

When there seems no end in sight to the problems caused by the crisis.

When the clouds are heavy, Lord, and the storm seems to last forever;

when the night is dark, and the morning proves long in coming;

though rain is constant, and sunshine feels a distant memory;.

though the winter continues despite spring having also begun;

teach us to trust, to keep faith, to believe that day will dawn again

that the clouds will lift, and life will blossom once more;

that after tears will come laughter, after despair, joy,

after chaos, order, after sickness health, and after death, life. Amen                                  

Keep Safe & Keep Praying      



Hello Everyone

We have been on lockdown for over quarter of the year since the first shock waves of the Coronavirus Pandemic which was travelling rapidly throughout the world, hit us.  A chance conversation between Liz Noble from the Methodist church and Judith Powell, Anglican, and the publication of Nick Fawcett’s book of prayers “For a time such as this” set the pathway  for the daily 11 o’clock Prayer time with some sense of solidarity as we stop to pray apart at the same time as others.  Members of our Meltham churches have been praying at home following a prayer sheet distributed  weekly Via email through Meltham Churches Together. Our thanks to Liz & Judith and all who, although unknown, stop to Pray around 11 am or for some at a more suitable time to suit lifestyle.

Prayer doesn’t come easily. You want to bring your fears before God. You want to commit yourself and your loved ones into his keeping. You want to pray for the innumerable people facing unimaginable difficulties and hardship at this time due to the pandemic that has descended so swiftly upon us. We feel almost numbed, almost lost for words, almost as though our own little concerns (however huge they may feel to us personally) are relatively trivial in relation to the scale of the crisis now facing our world. Yet we need to pray, today, more than ever. Not that prayer will guarantee our safety or that of our loved ones, or that it will miraculously put everything right. We need simply to seek help and strength from God to get through whatever the months ahead may bring , as now we relax the disciplines we have had to exert , to keep people safe.

Listen For gods Voice Psalm 25:4—10  ……….Both Scripture & Prayer

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.
 All day long I put my hope in you.Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past.Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way.
10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.

The concern of the Psalmist is to know God’s will, He wants to be on the right pathway. So for that reason he prays to God for guidance.

The prayer for guidance begins with a period of waiting. You come before the Lord

In the quiet. You are trying to hear. Have you been in a place where there is just a faint sound? You even stop breathing so you can hear better. We need to get quiet before our God. We need to get quiet inside and out and this takes some doing. You are astonished to discover how much noise is in you mind, in your whole being, how full of noise you are.   If you want to hear God’s voice you have to get quiet.

May these prayers calm your anxiety and strengthen your faith. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the way of truth and glory of God. 

In Scripture, we are reminded of God’s guidance in our lives.

Jesus is our good Shepherd who leads us and desires that we follow the path that leads to joy and peace.  As we pray for God’s guidance and for discernment through the Holy Spirit, we can rest assured that God will bestow us with wisdom and the inspiration to live within His will!

Trusting in God to transform what seems hopeless

Hold on to us, Lord, through this troubled time. Where there is sickness, may there also be health. Where there are tears, may there also be laughter. Where there is despair, may there also be hope. Where there is fear, may there also be trust. Where there is hardship, may there also be help. Where there is doubt, may there also be faith. Where there is weakness, may there also be strength. Where there is defeat, may there also be victory. Where there is chaos, may there also be calm. Where there are problems, may there also be solutions. Where there is distancing in body, may there also be a coming together in spirit. Where there is death, may there also be life. Come, Lord, and work your miracle of love, out of darkness bringing light. Amen.

Putting our trust in God rather than ourselves

We thought we were in charge of our destiny, Lord; that we had all the answers, all the solutions to our problems, nothing being beyond our wit to solve. And no doubt in time we will beat this virus, as we have beaten many others, human ingenuity triumphing again over adversity. But this crisis of recent months has reminded us that we’re not quite so much in control as we like to imagine; that life is less secure, less certain than we sometimes think, and that much of what we take for granted can be swept away in an instant. Help us to recognise our limitations as well as our achievements, our vulnerability as well as our strengths, and may we find in you one whose promises endure beyond the changes and chances of this fleeting world, enfolding us, and all things, in your eternal, unchanging love. Amen.

A plea for God to reach out and help us

Show us that you’re listening, prove to us you care, come and bring us healing. Father hear our prayer. Show us that you’re with us, help us know you’re there. Offer strength and comfort. Father hear our prayer. Show us that we matter; in these trials we bear, give us help and wisdom. Father hear our prayer. Show us there’s a future, save us from despair. Grant us hope and courage. Father hear our prayer.

Keep Safe, keep praying, and keep listening for the voice of God and His guidance for you!


11am PRAYER (or any alternative time) 8 JUNE

Hello everyone

Greetings – from the word of God.

Philippians 4:4-7 New Living Translation

4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.

6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.                                                                 

These words appeared in an early chapter of a Christian book, “Nine o’clock In The Morning”, written by Dennis J Bennett © 1970 first British Edition 1971. The author writes about his experience of Renewal in the churches through the Holy Spirit at work in people of all Christian denominations in USA circa 1960.

I was to experience a life changing encounter in 1969.  Dennis Bennett’s Book was one of the first Books on our bookshelves tackling the reality of “Baptism in the Spirit “and” Speaking in Tongues.”  There after followed a plethora of books from the US which were soon followed by our own authors from the UK.   We were well served by the “Fountain Trust “and the Rev Michael Harper who edited “Renewal Magazine” and organised Conferences around Great Britain.  

These were exciting times when there was a real sense of God’s Holy spirit working in his church.   But the Holy Spirit hasn’t changed, and we need to continue to pray that He will bring about a new change in His church in these changing days, equipping his people to go into the world to demonstrate the love and power of God.

As we pray today spend a few minutes taking in the above  passage from the Apostle Paul to the Philippians-

And as we pray let us seek God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit

A Prayer in times of Crisis

I can’t believe it, Lord.

The world turned on its head so quickly, so unexpectedly.

One moment, everything normal, proceeding much as it has always done before,

and the next, chaos and confusion, everything overturned in an instant, institutions teetering on the brink, certainties crumbling into dust, lives descending into mayhem. I’d thought I could plan ahead, fashion what the future held in store, but now I realise how wrong I was:

that though we can control much, we cannot control everything, our ultimate destiny lying not in our hands but in yours. Grant your guidance, show us the path to take, and lead us through this crisis. Amen

  • Pray for those you know locally who have needs, hold them in your minds eye alongside Jesus who is listening to them and meeting their needs.
  • Give thanks for those who are selflessly serving others currently.
  • Give thanks for those supporting the Crossroads project and its food bank….
  • Pray for people’s concerns about the safety of children and staff as they start to return to their schools.
  • Pray for scientists seeking to develop a vaccine against coronavirus.
  • Pray for the families, friends and neighbours of the 40,000 deaths due to Covid 19
  • Pray for the troubles in America regarding racial justice


Keep safe, keep praying


11am DAILY PRAYER (or any alternative time) 1st JUNE

Hello everyone

On the day of Pentecost Jesus’ disciples experience being filled dramatically with God’s Holy Spirit, the culmination of many centuries of waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promise, made known through Old Testament prophets. Acts 2.1-21

Long before the Holy Spirit became an article of the creed, He was a living reality in the experience of the early Church. Edward Schweizer

The whole (ecumenical) enterprise is the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of love, working in us, uniting us in love and building us up in the truth. Those are the things that matter. We must avoid binding the Spirit by our stupidity and narrowness and lack of faith. Archbishop Michael Ramsey

On Sunday 31 May Christians all over the world celebrated the day of Pentecost.

Disappointed followers of Jesus were locked-down in an upper room filled with more perspiration, than inspiration. The disciples were afraid they would suffer the same fate as their master. They listened and prayed that no one would discover their hiding place and the world would leave them safe in their isolation.                                                                                                               Yet the Holy Spirit is not stopped by locked doors or locked hearts. the Spirit comes, not like a spring breeze passing gently through a room, it is more like a hurricane, flattening all the protective barriers against it force. The Holy Spirit takes this group of disappointed followers and on the day of Pentecost completely transforms them.

Try and place yourself in this scene.

What similarities do you see in the short account of Pentecost with effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic in our world today?

Please allow the Holy Spirit a few minutes to guide your thoughts and knowledge to pray for our world.

Gaps are left for personal thought to be expressed and you can add to the list

Heavenly Father hear my intercession for ……..

All Nations of the world…. our own nation……our own communities …our township.

For our families ….friends….neighbours ….those alone….. giving thanks for them.

Giving thanks for those who are selflessly serving others at this time.

For those supporting the Crossroads project and its food bank….

Help us Lord in the midst of our own weakness and anxieties, to be able to help others….

This week marks the start of a rolling programme for getting staff and children back into school starting with Early Years, Reception and Year 6..….our leaders are also relaxing some of the measures in place in the world of business, commerce and manufacturing from 1st June.

We need to pray earnestly for our Leaders…..  It will have not passed notice this week that there has been confusion and a great deal of anger from all quarters of leadership

A week after the celebration of Pentecost…. we give thanks for the virtual services…online.

We ask that the Holy Spirit will increase our trust in God’s presence and His same transforming power…. Alive and with us now   AMEN

Keep safe. Keep praying

11.00am (or alternative time) Daily Prayer week 25th May

Hello everyone

“If you look at the world – you’ll be distressed –

If you look within – you’ll be depressed

If you look at Christ – you’ll be at rest ”

Corrie ten Boon

Often when we pray, we ask God for things we want or need, and there is nothing wrong in that. But sometimes prayer is not about asking for things; sometimes prayer is more like this;

just enjoying God’s presence and saying, ‘I have you, Lord, I have enough.’

Remember His words – ‘Be Still and know that I am God.’

The first prayer of intercession for this week spells out what a difficult task is set before all the leaders of the nations. Here in the UK, our leaders are tentatively allowing or relaxing some of the measures in place at present in certain categories in the world of business, commerce and manufacturing.

We might focus our prayers for the re-entry of certain Primary School children on the 1st of June.

We need to support the teachers and all auxiliary staff in the difficulties they are about to face.

So we start with a comprehensive prayer that we have been using over the past week as it is so inclusive in its structure.

Prayer for those taking decisions for the future that will shape the lives of us all

So much, Lord, is in the melting pot –uncertain, unsure.

It’s not just risks to health, though that’s scary enough; it’s the very fabric of our society: our schools, colleges and universities, our shops and stores, our arts, sport and leisure facilities, our businesses, factories, financial institutions, economy.

Everything, everywhere, is under threat, and though governments across the world are doing their best to limit the damage, desperately trying to keep the plates spinning, the balls somehow still juggled, there’s a danger that it will all come crashing down, leaving hardship in its wake such as we can scarcely begin to imagine.

Give wisdom, Lord, to those who must take decisions, those who must formulate plans, those who must weigh up the options and decide on the path least painful for all. See us through this difficult time, we ask you, but see us also through the time beyond that, and the challenges it will surely bring. Amen.

Our second and new prayer for this week starts us thinking about the work of our scientists.

For scientists seeking to develop a vaccine against coronavirus.

Hear my prayer, Lord, for scientists, for all involved in seeking a vaccine against coronavirus, a way of releasing us from its stranglehold, and from the threat it poses to the elderly and vulnerable.

Guide them in their research, in their experiments, in their early trials with volunteers, and keep them and all who work with them safe.

Give them insight in to the nature of this disease – into the way it develops, the way it spreads, the way it affects the human body, and help them to unravel its secrets so as to find solutions affectively to combat it.

Grant that through their efforts, we may look forward soon to a time when this pandemic is consigned to history, and it presents a danger no longer. Amen

Scripture Reading – Numbers 6 : 24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Keep Well, Keep praying


11am. DAILY PRAYER (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

In the past week we have begun to see how difficult it is to come out of seven weeks of Lockdown.    The first prayer spells out the enormity of the task before all the world’s leaders and decision makers.     Last week our prayers were prayers of thanksgiving for all the support being given by family and friends, members of our local churches and community ventures in times such as these. It is in these times we need to pray in earnest.’ Extra Ordinary Need -Demands Extra Ordinary Prayer’.

Our second Prayer is an affirmation of our own trust in God. As you pray imagine you are at the centre of the Disciples, ask yourself what if feels like to be in their midst in the presence of Jesus. Trust Jesus who said that He and his Father are one.  We, through the Holy Spirit, are also one with Jesus and the Father who is always present with us and knows our needs and helps us to pray.

Prayer for those taking decisions for the future that will shape the lives of us all

So much, Lord, is in the melting pot –uncertain, unsure.

It’s not just risks to health, though that’s scary enough; it’s the very fabric of our society: our schools, colleges and universities, our shops and stores, our arts, sport and leisure facilities, our businesses, factories, financial institutions, economy.

Everything, everywhere, is under threat, and though governments across the world are doing their best to limit the damage, desperately trying to keep the plates spinning, the balls somehow still juggled, there’s a danger that it will all come crashing down, leaving hardship in its wake such as we can scarcely begin to imagine.

Give wisdom, Lord, to those who must take decisions, those who must formulate plans, those who must weigh up the options and decide on the path least painful for all.

See us through this difficult time, we ask you, but see us also through the time beyond that, and the challenges it will surely bring. Amen.

Prayer for trust, despite appearances, that God is with us

You’re here, Lord, though we do not see it.

You’re here, though we do not feel it. 

You’re here, though it doesn’t seem it

You’re here, though our plight denies it.

You’re here, though we cannot grasp it.

You’re here, though we sometimes doubt it.

You’re here, though our dread obscures it.

You’re here, though we can’t believe it.

You’re here, Lord, as much in the night as in the day, the bad as in the good.

You’re here, You’re here


Scripture reading:
“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Keep safe, keep praying.


11am Daily Prayer (or any alternative time) – Monday 11th May

Hello everyone

A prayer of Thanksgiving for the support of family and friends, and intercession for those on their own

Thank you, Lord, for family at this time; for loved ones, there to support us, to demonstrate love and care in action, to do what they can for us in time of need.

Thank you for friends; those to whom our welfare really matters, who seek to help us in whatever ways they can, showing their concern, compassion, and friendship, not just through words but through deeds.

Hear our prayer for those who do not have such support, who are truly alone – those for whom long days of isolation were already an all too frequent reality, and who now feel cut off from all: frightened, helpless, hopeless.

Reach out to them, assuring them that you are by their side, and help us too, in whatever ways we can, to reach out likewise, and show them they are not abandoned or forgotten.


Nick Fawcett: For Such a Time as This

After a weekend of celebration for the 75th Anniversary of the end of six years of war in Europe, we saw around us a demonstration of camaraderie and community spirit despite Coronavirus. We witnessed the same spirit that doesn’t give in despite the sacrifice and the cost.

In our time of prayer this week, our prayer is to God, giving our thanks to Him for the support we have experienced from those around us. We also give Him  thanks for giving us the opportunity we have had to support others with a reminder to  watch out and to see how we might be of help for the vulnerable people known or unknown to us, both in or outside our church communities.

Christine and I are working at reducing the amount of material stored in our study. Over the last weekend I decided to see if I needed a pile of old magazines – the first copy of New Wine came unexpectantly in the post for June 1970, Fifty years ago. –   So, do I – don’t I bin it?

It sits in front of me now as I type this message. I attempt to pass on just a couple of word of wisdom from that period in time. 

Fifty years ago people were stressed by the possibility of atomic warfare.   In an article on “Last Days” the writer wrote “At this time we need the Holy Spirit and his gifts as never before to defeat the menace of darkness before us.   The Apostle Paul asked the question of the first Christian church “Have you received the Holy Spirit .“    It is the same question asked of us!

The title of the next article in the magazine  “Extraordinary Prayer” states that  “Extraordinary Need Demands  Extra Ordinary Prayer”   Jesus sets the example to his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane as he asked them to stay awake and pray with him.   Jesus, speaking with his Father God, demonstrated the agony of Extraordinary Prayer as he expressed sweat as droplets of blood. The disciples failed him!

Facing death Jesus is praying no ordinary prayer this was the heart of God battling against unseen powers for the salvation of the world.

As Christians there is a calling to pray for the world Jesus died for. We need the Holy Spirit and all His gifts more than ever in times such this. In the times we are living in there is a spiritual battle to wage. When you pray call out for the Holy Spirit to pray his words through you.

Scripture reading:
“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Keep safe, keep praying.


11am DAILY PRAYER (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

In a week when we have Celebrated the 100th Birthday of Captain Tom Moore and Donald Trump has entered into a Conspiracy battle with China, people are asking the question how will Coronavirus change the way we live?  The weekly Clap for Carers, now in its sixth week, shows appreciation and care for Health professionals and other key workers and resounds across our village of Meltham.

Hearts were caught, cheered and warmed by the war veteran Tom raising £30m by the completing of laps in his garden. Monies raised for NHS charities. On his Birthday a fly past was organised and Tom was made Honorary Colonel and also became an honorary member of the England Cricket team.

Sadly we can also sense disquiet around which is understandable but we need to pray that we don’t allow our nation and ourselves to become part of a blame culture.

If nothing else, we will have been learning a little of how to live with uncertainty and deprivation of privilege – something that might bring us closer to the lived experience of a lot of people and a lot of Christians in this world.

We will be experiencing the reality of faith as we contemplate living and ministering in a changed world. So, we can either complain about what lies ahead or we can try to shape it for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Nick Fawcett in his book of prayers ‘For Such a Time as Now’ asks for lessons to be learned from this crisis


Lord, it’s hard to see any good coming from the crisis we’re facing, this time that is bringing such anxiety, such heartache, and such hardship to so many.

Yet if one useful thing might come out of it, let it be this: that we learn – as individuals, as a nation, as a world – from the experience, and so be better equipped in the future should similar or worse threats to our health arise.

May lessons from these dark days equip us, if need be, to respond more effectively, provide more meaningfully, and help more swiftly in times ahead. Open our eyes to the best and the worst in all that is happening now, and enable us truly to learn from both.          Amen

You might also like to consider the following.


There is a Prayer App which can be accessed on all devices


A daily prayer session lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.   It is produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives.

There aims are to :  become more aware of God’s presence, listen to and reflect on God’s word and grow in relationship with God
This App has been used in the past at Meltham Churches Together Wednesday Prayer Time and Christine and I both find it very helpful


The Church of England has launched a helpline called Daily Hope. This is aimed at those who do not have access to the internet and all the online resources. Using a freephone number (0800 8048044), it offers a hymn, reading and prayer.  It is completely free for the caller.     This has been advertised widely on the internet but will not have been seen by those without this facility.   Do you know anyone, without internet access, who might be interested and who you could contact to let them have this  number?

Keep safe, keep praying


11am DAILY PRAYERS (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone,

Christine and I went into voluntary isolation on the 16th March. This past weekend took us over 40 days and nights.

Jesus faced his 40 days and nights wilderness period alone and overcame by giving every trial he faced to his Father in Heaven. 

We still can’t believe it, that our world turned on its head so quickly, so unexpectedly.

One moment, everything normal, proceeding much as it had always done before, and the next, chaos and confusion, everything overturned in an instant – institutions teetering on the brink, certainties crumbling into dust, lives descending into mayhem.

People have reached the stage where they are asking when will it end, when will this nightmare be over?

We were told things would get worse before they could get better; that the death toll would rise and the number of those infected continue to climb, despite every measure being taken to prevent it.  We are promised also that, eventually, this disease will peak, and that we can then slowly start picking up the pieces of our lives again.

As Christians we have been praying and showing compassion both in word and deed for family, friends and neighbours. We give thanks to God for the support Christine and I have received.

We thank God for the number of you joining with us at 11.00am each day. (or anytime for those who find 11am not possible.)  The temptation is to feel that our prayers are inadequate.  So we share with you another prayer for the coming week. You might like to add this prayer to the others you received.

When our prayers feel so inadequate

They feel so inadequate, our prayers, Lord, so small a response to so great a crisis. Even if we could find the words we seek to sum up our concern, express our fears, articulate our needs and entrust into your care the many we know to be at risk, even then, our efforts would seem lacking.

But we can’t get anywhere near that, our entreaties to you being muddled, halting, confused, disjointed. We do not know what to say or how to say it; what to pray or how to pray it, and we are left feeling we have failed ourselves, you and others.

Do not let that deter us, Lord. Teach us that you heed not only the words of our lips but also the thoughts of the heart, prayer not being an exam we must pass but an opportunity to embrace.

Help us, then, simply to share with you, as best we can, what we are feeling, so committing ourselves, our loved ones, and the world beyond, sincerely into your keeping. Amen.

Keep Safe.  Keep praying and like Jesus taking all your requests to God our Father.


11am DAILY PRAYERS (or any alternative time suitable to you)

Hello everyone

Nick Fawcett served as a Baptist minister for thirteen years, and as a chaplain with the national charity Toc H for three, before deciding to focus on a writing ministry, backed up by editing, both of which he continues with today, despite wrestling with myeloma, an incurable cancer of the blood, that places him in the highest possible risk category during the current coronavirus crisis.  Like so many, he will be isolated at home to protect his health. His aim, increasingly, is to write material free of religious jargon that reaches out to people of all faiths and none.

Here in Meltham over many years now Christine and I have found his material both inspirational and easy to follow.

His response to the pandemic was to write a book of prayers ‘For a Time Such As This’

He asks are you struggling to pray at the moment? I am. You want to bring your fears before God. You want to commit yourself and your loved ones into his keeping. You want to pray for the innumerable people facing unimaginable difficulties and hardship at this time due to the pandemic that has descended so swiftly upon us. But prayer doesn’t come easily. We feel almost numbed, almost lost for words, almost as though our own little concerns (however huge they may feel to us personally) are relatively trivial in relation to the scale of the crisis now facing the world. Yet we need to pray, today, more than ever. Not that prayer will guarantee our safety or that of our loved ones, or that it will miraculously put everything right, but we need simply to seek help and strength to get through whatever the months ahead may bring.

I suggest that we start by asking God what to pray for and then continue by using the prayers of intercession. 


When you’re struggling to know what to pray for

Lord, what can I pray for?    What should I say?

I’m frightened, troubled, confused, –  everything in life having been turned inside out and upside down.

Whatever words I use in prayer seem inadequate, hollow, even trite.

Help me, hold me, hear me, and at this troubled time, encircle all – myself, my loved ones, the wider world – in the warm embrace of your love. Amen.

Intercession for those struggling with the crisis, both near and far

Reach out today, Lord, to the frightened, anxious about themselves or their loved ones.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to the isolated, the lonely, the vulnerable

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to the sick, those wrestling with the symptoms of coronavirus, those whose situation is complicated by underlying health conditions.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to those ministering to the afflicted, offering support, comfort and treatment as best they can, but hampered by limited resources and the scale of the crisis.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to the bereaved, those already mourning family and friends, their love and companionship snatched away.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to those affected financially – those who have lost jobs and livelihoods, the future they took for granted now under threat.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out to the countries of our world most affected – Italy, France, Spain, Iran, China, Russia, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom – and the many places elsewhere in the world seeing an increase in infections, and facing imminent catastrophe in turn.

Hold them and help them.

Reach out, Lord, to a world in need, a world teetering on the edge of chaos, on the brink of disaster.

Hold us and help us all. Amen.

For all whose lives have been turned upside down by this crisis

I’m not praying for me today, Lord, but for others: young people meant soon to be taking exams, their future now in doubt;

Carers looking after loved ones, striving to keep safe those at risk;

Those suddenly finding themselves out of work, financial pressures added to fears over health;

Owners of small businesses, cafes, shops, bars and restaurants among many others, faced by the prospect of their livelihood collapsing in ruins, what had seemed a wise investment now a millstone around their neck;

Clergy, counsellors and chaplains, seeking to give succour and support to those reeling from recent events;

GPs, nurses, doctors, consultants, NHS staff, increasingly overwhelmed by massive pressures yet with limited resources to meet them;

Politicians and leaders in this country and beyond, trying to work out the best way forward – a way of safeguarding life as effectively as possible, while also limiting potentially devastating economic consequences for all.

Give help, Lord; give strength; guidance; wisdom.

In our hurting world, bring hope and healing, love and life. Amen.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Keep Safe.  Keep praying
