
“Crisis” coffee morning

Please come to our coffee morning.
Saturday 25th November
10.00 – 12.00
St. James’ Church, Meltham Mills
Admission free.

There will be a range of stalls and a street life photographic display.

Supporting “Crisis”, the Welcome Centre and OCC.

Oasis Quiet Day

The next OASIS quiet day will be this Wednesday 17th May, 10.00 – 3.00 pm.
The theme will be ‘Jars of Clay’.
Remember to bring a packed lunch if you are staying all day.
Join us if you can, and enjoy a time of quiet away from the busyness of everyday life.

Ladies’ Supper Evening

St James next occasional Ladies’ Supper Evening will take place on Friday 5th May at 7.00 pm in the hall.
Supper and soft drinks will be provided. Please feel free to bring wine if you so wish.
Our speaker for the evening will be Louise MacLeod who will be telling us about her involvement with the charity ‘Blood Wise’. There will be a raffle to support their work in fighting blood cancers and other related blood diseases. Louise definitely has a ‘tale to tell’.

Oasis for Lent

Oasis for Lent
Just resting and reflecting

Whichever way we choose to describe OASIS, it all comes down to a similar experience – a time set aside, in holy space, to rest, relax and take a step back from all the busyness of the day.

The next OASIS DAY will take place in St James, Meltham Mills
on WEDNESDAY 29th March beginning at 10.00am and ending about 3.00pm.
Coffee and tea will be available, but bring a packed lunch if you are staying all day.
Please feel free to stay and share this time of PEACE for as long as you wish
or for as long as you feel comfortable.

The day ends with a short Communion Service at 2.30 – 3.00pm.

More information from
Rev Peter Rolls 340342, Christine Woods 852268 or Jenny Mathers 850839

Ladies Supper Evening

The next St James’s Ladies Supper Evening will be taking place on Friday 3rd February 2017!
It will begin with a chilli /jacket potato and pudding supper at 7.00pm.
Our guest speaker for the evening will be our good friend, Margaret Tiffany, who has lead a fascinating life ranging from her work as a midwife to mingling with the stars at glitzy ‘red carpet’ occasions! It promises to be a delightful evening. If you enjoyed our first Supper Evening please come again and invite a friend to come with you. If you didn’t manage to get to it, make sure you have put the date in your new diary, you’ll be missing a treat if you don’t!

Nativity characters wanted!

At St James’ Crib Service on 24th December at 4pm, we are hoping to have lots of the Christmas story characters in attendance.  Children can come dressed as a character or they can use the provided props, if they wish.   The Parish Posada will also be welcomed into our church.

“Crisis” Coffee Morning

Saturday 26th November

10am -12 noon

St. James’ Church, Meltham Mills

Come and help us raise money for the charity “Crisis” which supports homeless people throughout the year and especially at Christmas.

Enjoy a coffee and cake and browse the stalls which include: Burhouse Beads, old fashioned sweets, Bible Land produce, gifts and crafts.


Together at one table

Sunday 23rd October, 10am, at St. James’

Come and share bread (and croissants) and the word.   The service includes both breakfast and communion, as well as activities for you to consider your response to the message.

“Oasis” Quiet Day


 A ‘Quiet Day’ for Autumn

St James’s Church Meltham Mills

Wednesday  5th October –  10.00am-3.00pm


10.00 – 10.30 Arrival and coffee in the church hall served with homemade biscuits.

10.30 – 12.00 we are in church for our Quiet Day

There will be a very short introduction with music, readings and prayers followed by a quiet time for personal reflection; personal reading or just resting in the peace and quiet of the day.

12.00 – 1.00pm Lunch and fellowship (please bring a packed lunch – hot drinks provided)

1.00 – A further quiet time will conclude at 2.30 with a simple shared Communion Service in the Celtic Tradition led by Rev Peter Rolls.

We do extend a really warm invitation throughout the Parish and the Deanery to join with us for all, or part of the day.

It would be lovely to see you there.

More information can be obtained from

Christine Woods 852268 or

Jenny Mathers 850839