
Reverse Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago here at St Mary’s Wilshaw we decided to do a Reverse Advent Calendar.  We would buy an item of food, tins or non-perishable goods and instead of opening that cardboard door in our calendar, each day we would put a food item away and bring what we had saved to Church on Sunday.  After Christmas, everything that we had collected was taken down to the Food Bank in Meltham for distribution.
Judith Moore
The PCC has agreed that it would be good for all the churches in the Parish to take part in the Reverse Advent Calendar this year.  The Food Bank would be very grateful of your support as stocks are often low in January. It has been requested that Christmas themed food is not included.


Evening House Group – Follow The Star – The Great Invitation

Over the summer and early part of the autumn some folk expressed an interest in getting some more fellowship time together to explore God’s word, to reflect on it together and to get to know others better in the Meltham church community.

From 28th November for four successive Mondays we’d like to give you the opportunity to join us in a new House Group where we will spend an hour or so working through some reflection materials that the Church of England has come up with – called “Follow The Star – The Great Invitation”.  We’ll aim to start at 2000hrs each Monday and finish by no later than 2130hrs.

There is absolutely no forward commitment and if you can’t do all the dates that’s fine too.  After Christmas we will take stock and hopefully there will be enthusiasm for carrying on and we can discuss frequency, format etc.

As the long winter evenings draw in and there is less and less daylight time we hope the idea of meeting up is attractive to you!

Working Party

Saturday 12th November


St. James’ Church car park

Shrub pruning and ivy clearing.

Please join us for whatever time you are able.

Bring your own coffee.

Singing for Health

Do you enjoy singing? 
Would you like to meet some new people?
Then why not come along to ‘Singing for Health’?
Thursdays from 1.30 – 3pm in the Jubilee Room of the Carlile Institute. 
There’s an accessible lift should you need it.
We sing a variety of songs from different eras and you don’t have to be able to read music. 
We also stop for a chat and a cup of tea!
You can try your 1st session for free then each one costs £4.
Here are some comments from people who attend:
It’s the best day of the week.
I love singing the songs.
It’s the perfect antidote to lockdown.
It’s a friendly group and everyone is made welcome.
I can’t sing for toffee!  There is no pressure.
I always feel uplifted.
It would be lovely to see you there!
For more details contact Kate Buchanan on 07780 548689 or email


Are you interested in joining a housegroup? 

There is an opportunity on Monday 24th October at 8pm for people to meet to discuss what they would want out of a housegroup.  It is likely that we would meet twice a month. We are meeting at 6 Woodland Walk.  It might be advisable to bring a torch/mobile phone as the estate still doesn’t have lighting.

Queen’s funeral

The funeral service for Queen Elizabeth will be shown on a big screen at St Bartholomew’s church in Meltham on Monday 19th September 2022 from 9.30am. All are welcome to join us for tea and cake with the vicar and to come together to pay our respects to our late Queen.  Times to be confirmed.

Retirement service

4 pm Sunday 16th October at Welshampton 

We suspect a number of us will want to join Rev Maureen and John for their retirement service.

In these days of high fuel prices and environmental concerns it would be good to take as few cars as possible and some who want to go may not have car access. 

Mike Still will try to coordinate transport.  So if you are going and have spare car space or you want to go but need a lift. Please contact Mike. 

If you are interested in a Coach or Minibus again if there is sufficient demand we will try and organise it. 

Please reply to Mike by Sunday 25th Sept. 

Call or Text  07987951512

E mail.

Message via Meltham Church at Home WhatsApp 

Rev’d Maureen

Sunday 16th October 2022

After 20 years of teaching and 24 years 3 months 2 weeks and 4 days of

ordained ministry Revd. Maureen is retiring.

Her last services will be:

St John the Evangelist, Lyneal with Colemere 10.00am Sung Eucharist

St Michael & All Angels, Welshampton 4.00pm
‘Maureen & John’s Favourite Hymns’ Songs of Praise

Following the final service there will be a buffet in the Millenium Hall, Cockshutt.

All welcome to both or either service and to the farewell buffet.

‘Oasis’ Reminder

Posted on:  by: Alison Whiteley

OASIS-a quiet space for reflection and refreshment. 
The Oasis team are pleased to announce that our Quiet Days will be returning in a slightly different format on Tuesday 13th September.  
We shall meet at St James’ Church Meltham Mills. Tea and coffee will be available from 9.30. The Quiet Time will begin in the church at 10.00 prompt and end at 12.00. Lunchtime 12.00- 2.00. Please bring a packed lunch. There will not be an afternoon session. 
Following a short welcome in church, there will be a time of quiet until 12.00. Please use the time and space to relax; pray; think; reflect; read; be creative; go for a walk; sit in the sunshine! Do whatever it is you feel God is calling you to do. Just rest in his presence.
There will be books; prayer cards and opportunities to be creative. 
There will be pastoral ministers available if you would like to talk or pray with someone in confidence. The Crèche will be kept for this purpose.
If you can, please stay for fellowship and a time to share thoughts and reflections over lunch.  
If you are unable to stay for the whole time, do not worry. We hope you have enjoyed your time in the quiet space and will join us at the next Oasis. 
If you need more information please contact Christine Woods: 07989693699 or Jenny Mathers: 07951017454.