
Weekly News w/c Mon 20 Aug

PLEASE PRAY for those affected by the Genoa bridge tragedy. For those who have lost family and friends. For those who have had to evacuate homes and had their lives disrupted. Pray for the emergency services and the professionals who are working on the site and as they, and the people, prepare to rebuild, not just the structure, but their lives as well.

John 6.51-58

Let us come to Jesus and take His Holy Communion with a clear conscience and with a pure heart. Not holding anything back, but surrendering all to Him who gives life.

Tuesday 21st August
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
Wednesday 22nd August
09.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Barts 10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Barts
9.30am – Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Meltham
11.00am – Holy Baptism at St Mary’s, Wilshaw
Other dates for your diary
Friday 24th August
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-12pm St James’, Community Card Group 10.30am-12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
Friday 31st August
Launch of the Beaux Calendar – 12.00 – 2.00pm in the Church Hall. A free glass of wine and light snacks will be available
PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Office phone number is now 07933 596734 (850050 is not currently in use)
Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c Mon 13 August

PLEASE PRAY for protection over our time with God. There is so much going on around us that can distract us and take us away from spending time with Him and His word. Pray for personal time with Him to be still and untouched, so that we can draw strength and wisdom from His Spirit for each day.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – John 6.35,41-51
Let us not take for granted the personal and intimate relationship we can have with Jesus. Let us honour time with Him each day and be sure of the role He plays in our eternity with the Father. ‘Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has
eternal life. I am the bread of life.’ V47-48


Monday 13th August
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 14th August
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 15th August
09.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

9.30am – Morning Worship & Meditation at St James’, Meltham Mills
11.15am – Holy Communion at Christ Church, Helme

Other dates for your diary
Friday 17th August
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-12pm St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia

Thanksgiving Service @ St Bart’s – Sunday 12th August

The #Meltham Church Roof restoration is now complete!  You’re invited to join us for a Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 12th August at 2:30pm.  The service will last under an hour and feature some favourite hymns and a talk detailing the work that has taken place, followed by light refreshments in the Church Hall.  Please come along and help us celebrate and give thanks for the restoration works.  All welcome!


Weekly News – w/c 6th August

PLEASE PRAY for peace among the church and God’s people. In times of trouble, persecution and testing of our endurance, collectively and personally, pray that we will look to Jesus and follow His example of patience and strength.

Thought for today: Remember this – you never lose as much as when you lose your peace. (Inspiration from Smith Wigglesworth 365 Day Devotional)

READ THE GOOD NEWS – John 6.24-35

Remember that as it says here, God’s purpose for our lives is to believe in the One He sent – Jesus. ‘Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”


Monday 6th August
9.30am – Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 7th August
9.30am – Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 8th August
09.00am – BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am – Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 12th August
9.30am – Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s, Meltham
11.15am – Morning Worship & Meditation at St Mary’s, Wilshaw
2:30pm – Thanksgiving Songs of Praise at St Bartholomew’s, Meltham

Other dates for your diary
Friday 10th August
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-12pm St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Musical Theatre Concert by Michael Frith – Sun 26th August

On Sunday 26th August, a concert featuring Michael Frith and other young singers will be held in the #Meltham Church Hall – 7pm.  The concert will be an evening of theatre entertainment – show tunes old and new.  Please support Michael in his efforts to raise money for his scholarship at ARTSED in London.

Tickets are only £5 – Email: Mobile: 07792 055420

About Michael:

Hello, my name’s Michael Frith; 19 year old Huddersfield boy and actor in training. Earlier this year, I was offered a scholarship to train in musical theatre at ArtsEd (Arts Educational Schools, London). ArtsEd is a prestigious and renowned drama school, known for their success in pushing new talent out into the theatre industry. Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber is the president of the school and among their alumni are the likes of Julie Andrews and Bonnie Langford. There are currently twelve ArtsEd alumni in the cast of Les Miserables on the West End, including leading man; Dean Chisnall, starring as Jean Valjean.

They are very selective about their potential students at ArtsEd and very few applicants are lucky enough to get in, so I have been extremely fortunate to receive this opportunity.

This school will increase my chances of succeeding in theatre tremendously and would help me to achieve my greatest aspiration. In spite of my scholarship, I still need further help to be able to pay for rent and other living costs whilst I’m in training, so that is why I am putting on a concert at the Meltham Church Hall (Greens End Rd) to raise funds. It will be a night of theatre entertainment, show tunes old, and new.

A little bit more about me; I have been training in musical theatre, full time for the past three years. On top of that, I’ve been taking part in amateur musical productions, playing roles such as Jesus in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ at the Theatre Royal, Wakefield and Jean Valjean in ‘Les Miserables’ at the Leeds Carriageworks theatre and Batley Jo Cox theatre (pictured above).

Weekly News – w/c Mon 30 July

PLEASE PRAY for those affected by the fires in Greece, Latvia, Sweden and many other countries at this time. For those who have suffered, lost loved ones, possessions and their livelihoods. Pray for the fire-­fighters, soldiers, paramedics and all those doing what they can to help in the situation and try to control the blazes. For the long recovery that is ahead of them as they start to restore what has been lost.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – John 6.1-­21
Let us be reminded of the miracles in our own lives and around the world, of God’s provisions for us, big and small, every day, as well as the ones written here that we read and know so well.


Monday 30th July
9.30am -­ Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 31st July
9.30am -­ Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 1st August
09.00am -­ BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am -­ Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 5th August
9.30am -­ Holy Communion at St James, Meltham Mills
11.15am -­ Holy Communion at Christ Church, Helme

Other dates for your diary
Tuesday 31st July
7.30pm -­ St Bart’s Women’s Fellowship

Friday 6th August
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-­12pm St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-­12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Please send all weekly news entries to Amelia at

Weekly News – w/c 23 July

PLEASE PRAY for our leaders and for those that report the news to us. Help them to serve the world and to find creative ways though thorny issues of ideology and dogma. Please pray for us as consumers of news – that we can be wise and see through sensationalism and appreciate genuine positive intent to serve and create a better
world. And as our schools break-­up for the summer, please pray that holidays will be restful and full of love and fun and that our loved ones will return safely to us.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 6, 30-­34, 53-­end
In the chaos of our busy lives, help us to know when to stop and stay to listen, to trust and to be healed by our risen and living Lord.


Monday 23rd July
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 24th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 25th July
09.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Barts
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Barts

Thursday 26th July
2pm Holy Communion, Helme Hall.

09.30am Joint Parish Holy Communion, St Bart’s

Other dates for your diary
Friday 27th July
9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group
10am-­12pm St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-­12pm St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Saturday 28th July
7.30pm Church Hall -­ Yorkshire Day Celebration – last minute tickets from the Flower Box, Café 33 or ring 01484 850684.

Weekly News – w/c 16th July

PLEASE PRAY with thanks for the perseverance and bravery of all those involved in the rescue of the boys and their coach from the flooded caves in Thailand, and for the family and friends of the Navy Seal who lost his life. Sometimes we are called to put others before ourselves, whatever the consequence. Help us to be brave and to persevere.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 6, 14-­29 – God gave us a conscience. Let us pray that we are able to listen to it and act upon it, even if that means not going along with the crowd.


Monday 16th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 17th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 18th July
09.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

09.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
09.30am Holy Communion, St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Other dates for your diary
Friday 20th July – 9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group – come along to help with the preparation of shoe boxes, and to meet old friends and new (every Friday until November with the exception of August 3,10,17 and 24).
10am -­ 12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am -­ 12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.