
Start December with Ale Talk!

We know what God’s love is like! Or think we might!

As we start the run up to Christmas at AleTalk on Tuesday 1st December at the Waggon we are looking at “Love” at 7.30

We have had lively discussions on Vulnerability and Courage – and last time Alistair Storey showed his courage by singing to us- so how would we answer the question “I love when I…?”

Join us and share your thoughts, ideas and answers!

PS Don’t forget Carols in the Pub on Friday at 8.30 and Carols in the Park on Sunday at 4.00 – please let Nigel Priestley know if you can steward or help in any way.

Last Night of the Proms Concert in Meltham – Tonight! – Sat 10th Oct 7:30pm

Last Night of the Proms Concert in Meltham – Tonight! – Sat 10th Oct 7:30pm

Come and join us for an evening of fabulous music and song in #Meltham tonight with M&MM Band, joined by guest soloist – the magnificent Sally Perkins. Tickets available on the door – £7.50 at St Bartholomew’s Church. Proceeds shared between the band and the church.

@homfirthevents @hashtagmeltham @melthamband

Operation Christmas Child – 45000 extra shoeboxes needed for refugee children

OperationChristmasChildOperation Christmas Child – 45000 extra shoeboxes needed for refugee children.
Could you, as an individual or as a corporate group, help us to achieve this target?

This year has seen many tragedies across the world with families forced to leave their homes, children orphaned, and many thousands fleeing from war and terror, seeking refuge in other countries.

Every year Operation Christmas Child sends over 10,000,000 shoeboxes to needy children in 120 countries with 850,638 sent from the UK in 2014.

This year, with the refugee crisis in Syria, Operation Christmas Child aims to send 45,000 extra shoeboxes from the UK to the refugee children, this is in addition to the boxes that will go to children in other parts of the world!

Shoeboxes are gifts of love containing educational supplies, hats, gloves, scarves, a small toy, toothbrushes, toothpaste, facecloths, soap, small cuddly toys, sweets, jewellery, hair accessories etc. (please NO war toys, scary animals or broken toys).  We would also request a donation of £3 to help with the transport costs of sending the boxes to their recipients.

If you are able to donate filled shoebox(es) please drop it off at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills on any Friday between 10am and 3pm or anytime from 2nd November to 27th November 2015 or at the Crossroads Shop in Meltham.

If you would like an Operation Christmas Child volunteer to come and talk to your group or business or would like any more information please contact Judith Powell on 01484 859460 or Grace Dronsfield on 01484 850955


Men’s Night – Food, Drink & Talk – Friday 2 Oct 7:30pm

Fancy an alternative night out this Friday?
Men’s Night – Food, Drink & Talk – Friday 2 Oct 7:30pm
The speaker is Terry Wilcox: Project Director at In2Out based in Leeds sharing his experiences in helping the rehabilitation of young offenders. Food and drink at 7.30pm – talk and reflection a bit later.
Please contact Nigel Priestley if you would like to attend:

Terry says about himself:

“I came from working class beginnings in Bolton. My early business life was in Software – Taking new products to market, opening new markets, building new companies.

I’ve had a change of identity in the last 5 years – working with young people who’ve made bad decisions and now have criminal convictions. Check out

I’m helping them to re-adjust and resettle as they rebuild their lives ‘on the out’ – challenging, often frustrating and, occasionally, immensely rewarding.

I am motivated by personal Christian faith – I’ve been married (39 years) to Lis, with two grown-up children. I live in Harrogate and keep a dozen sheep.

Hope that’s enough!”

Below is an article about a recent visit:

The work of a local prison chaplaincy project helping the rehabilitation for young offenders has been highlighted with a visit to Wetherby Young Offenders Institution and Wetherby prison by the Bishop of Rochester, the bishop for prisons.

The Rt Revd James Langstaff met staff of In2Out, a community chaplaincy initiative based at Wetherby Young Offenders Institute which is supported by the Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust.

The Bishop is pictured with Terry Wilcox, the In2Out Project Director

Terry said, “In2Out focuses on young people aged 15 – 21 who have offended and are involved in a Criminal Justice process. They may be completing a custodial sentence in, say, a Young Offender Institution; or perhaps contributing to a community based reparation scheme.

“That means we work in the community, rather than just inside the prison. We help ex-offenders who tell us they want to change their lives and we provide a mentor to work with each young person one to one . We work alongside the young person, faith groups, employers and statutory organisations to ensure the transition to a less chaotic life.”