

As in previous years our four Churches of the Parish of Christ the King have all had their own Paschal Candle (Easter Candle).
Traditionally in the Church the Paschal Candle is painted with a cross, the Alpha and Omega, the year of that Easter celebration and a symbol of the resurrection.
Again we would like to invite anyone who would like to have a go and paint their own Churches candle for 2017 to get in contact with either Revd Maureen or Revd Charlene for further details.
Painting the Paschal Candle is a good Lenten practice where the artist has scope to create something that is both beautiful and symbolic for the coming year.
Many blessings Charlene.


will be available in the morning of Ash Wednesday 10.30am -12.30pm
and the afternoon of Good Friday 2.00pm-3.30pm
at St Bartholomew’s Church Meltham.

I will also be available throughout Lent
for you to either make your confession at a convenient time
or if you would prefer to deepen your understanding of this sacrament
then please do come and talk with me.

God’s Blessing:
Revd Charlene: 01484 851334,

Happy New Year!

Join us to celebrate the New Year at our joint Parish Communion on New Year’s Day at Christ Church, Helme – 11:15am.

A very happy, holy and blessed New Year to you all from Maureen, Charlene, Dennis, Peter, John and Judy  xxx

May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us – Psalm 90:17a


St Mary’s Wilshaw Garden Party 9th July 11am to 4pm

12am Maypole Dancing 1pm Holmfirth ukulele group 2pm Races 3pm Prize Giving for Children Classic bike display – all day
There are lots of competitions you can enter: A Single Home Grown Garden Rose 3 Home Grown Garden Flowers (They can be the same or different) A Homemade Cake using vegetables 4 Homemade Decorative Cup Cakes A Photograph entitled “Celebration”! Chutney and/or Jam A Small Craft Item
Childrens Competions:- “Spud” Head, A Poem about summer or an Animal Drawing
At 2pm we will organising the following races: Target & Rings Giant Noughts & Crosses Skittles 3 Legged Dash Welly Wanging Giant Dominoes Egg & Spoon Races Giant Jenga Tug of War
We will have lots of stalls: Cake Stall Tombola Guess the name of the Doll Raffle Chocolate Throw Ultimate Lemons Greeting Cards Basket Stall (Flower etc) Guess the use of the Tool

And of course, we will be serving the most delicious cream teas: Refreshing Tea, Coffee and Juice Mouth watering Homemade Cakes and Buns Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam Sandwiches :- Ham & English Mustard Beef & Horseradish Cheese & Pickle Egg & Cress

The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham

Walsingham Poster

Monday, 30th May – 12 noon, Walsingham Abbey Grounds

Preacher: The Revd Andrew Mitcham – Vicar/Rector of the Benefice of Walsingham, Houghton St Giles and the Barshams & Guardian of the Shrine

Pilgrims have made the journey to Walsingham from all over Britain and the world since the 11th century. For many people their first visit to Walsingham is centred around the National Pilgrimage which takes place on the Spring Bank Holiday each year. This is a wonderful outdoor event with the famous procession of Our Lady from the ruined priory grounds, through the village to the Shrine.

There are two main services in the day (12 noon Mass and 2.30 pm Sermon, Procession and Benediction) which takes place in the grounds of The Abbey. Pilgrims are welcome to picnic in the gardens during the lunch interval (1.00 pm – 2.30 pm).

For further information please contact Revd. Charlene 01848 851334. Or visit the (There will be car share available, or if you would be willing to drive.)

A ‘Quiet Day’ for Ascensiontide


A ‘Quiet Day’ for Ascentiontide.

St James’s Church Meltham Mills

Wednesday 4th May 10.30-2.30

‘Stairway to Heaven’

A warm welcome to all.

Hot drinks available.

Please bring a packed lunch.

More information

Christine Woods 852268 Jenny Mathers 850839

Oasis Ascensiontide