
Exciting news! New Vicar for the Parish announced today!

Exciting news!  We’re delighted to inform you all that a New Vicar for #Meltham Parish was announced today!

The Bishop of Leeds, The Rt Rev’d Nicholas Baines is pleased to announce that the Rev’d John Dracup, currently serving as Assistant Curate at St. John the Baptist, Coley has been appointed as Vicar of the Parish of Meltham Christ the King in the Huddersfield Episcopal Area subject to the usual checks and formalities.  The data of the Licensing Service will be announced soon.

Please pray for Rev’d John and his family as they prepare to join us in Meltham and thank you for all your prayers during the interregnum – they have certainly been answered!

John trained for ordination at Cranmer Hall in Durham and has served his curacy at Coley. Before going to Durham John was a member of All Saints Church in Normanton for most of his life and served as a Church warden and a member of the PCC. When he left school he started working on a local farm and spent most of his working life in farming except a few years in his mid-twenties which were spent driving bulldozers and other ‘big boys toys’. He is married to Fiona and they have two children, Isaac and Rebekah. He enjoys family camping holidays in their trailer tent, walking and real ales.


Weekly News – w/c 2nd April

PLEASE PRAY that at this Eastertide we can all find a way to share with those around us the wonder of the empty tomb and our belief that our sins are forgiven, in Jesus’ name.
“Go, in my name, and because you believe – others will know that I live” (Carol Owens, Freely Freely)

John, 20, 19-31
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Monday 2nd April
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 3rd April
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 4th April
9.30am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

Thursday 5th April
3.00pm Evening Prayer, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 8th April –
9.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
5pm – FIVE ALIVE – St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

He is Risen – Alleluia

Other dates for diary
Friday 6th April
10-12 St James, Community Card Group
10.30-12 St Barts, Coffee and Chat

Advance notice – Fashion Show at Durkar Roods, 7 for 7.30pm on 11th April – to raise money for Wilshaw Village Hall.

Join us to celebrate the Risen Christ!

Come join us in #Meltham on Easter Sunday to celebrate the Risen Christ.

6:35am (ish)     Sunrise Service at the Cock Crowing Stone followed by breakfast at the Church Hall

9:30am              Easter Day Sung Eucharist @ St Bartholomew’s – Meltham

9:30am              Easter Day Holy Communion @ St James’ – Meltham Mills

11:15am            Easter Day Holy Communion @ Christ Church – Helme

11:15am            Easter Day Holy Communion @ St Mary’s Wilshaw


Hallelujah! Christ is Risen.


Stainer’s Crucifixion – Good Friday – 7pm @ St Bartholomew’s

The choir and friends have been working hard rehearsing for Stainer’s Crucifixion and it’s sounding good!

Please do join us to hear the moving story of events leading up to the Crucifixion on that darkest of days.  It will be sung by over 30 voices plus our 2 guest soloists.  It will also feature images relating to the story as it is being sung and a selection of hymns for everyone to join in together.  Free admission.  All welcome.  Please share so everyone is aware!

Holy Week in Meltham

Holy Week in Meltham

Sunday 25th March to Saturday 31st March

Daily Meditation Monday to Friday – 7am at St James’ Meltham Mills


Maundy Thursday

7.00pm Holy Communion, reception of oils and the washing of feet at St James’ Meltham Mills


Good Friday

10.45am Meltham Churches Together service and walk of witness followed by a simple lunch at the Methodist Church, Mill Moor Road.

7.00pm Stainer’s Crucifixion – St Bartholomew’s Meltham

Weekly News – w/c Monday 26th March

PLEASE PRAY for Christians everywhere as we journey together through Holy Week so that we can all experience, in some small way, what Jesus carried for us. ‘Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all’.

READ THE GOOD NEWS Mark 15, 1-39
“Surely this man was the Son of God!”

Monday 26th March
7.00am Meditation – St James’
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 27th March
7.00am Meditation – St James’
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 28th March
7.00am Meditation – St James’
9.30am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s
8.00pm Final rehearsal for Stainer’s Crucifixion, St Bart’s

Thursday 29th March – Maundy Thursday
7.00am Meditation – St James’
3.00pm Evening Prayer, St Bart’s
7.00pm Holy Communion, reception of oils and the washing of feet – St James’

Friday 30th March – Good Friday
7.00am Meditation – St James’
10.45am Meltham Churches Together service and walk of witness followed by a simple lunch – Methodist Church, Mill Moor Road.
7.00pm Stainer’s Crucifixion – St Bart’s.

(No St Bart’s coffee or Community Cards this week)

NEXT SUNDAY 1st April – Easter Sunday

6.45am ‘Cock crowing stone’ – West Nab Acclamation of the Dawn followed by breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
9.30am Holy Communion, St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Weekly News – w/c 19th March

PLEASE PRAY this week for our strength and commitment to deny our selves for the remainder of Lent and to experience some small part of ‘taking up the cross’ with Jesus.

Luke 9 28-36 – “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”


Monday 19th March
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 20th March
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 21st March
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s
11.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s followed by lunch – with transport for those who cannot make it under them own steam.

Thursday 22nd March
3.00pm Evening Prayer, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 25th March – Palm Sunday
Bishop Jonathan will preach at St Bart’s and St Mary’s
9.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
9.30am Holy Communion, St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Thursday 22nd March
8.00pm St Bart’s – rehearsal for Good Friday performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion. All welcome to come and sing, even if you’ve never done this piece before.

Friday 23rd March
10-12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30-12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat

Holy Week activities – more detail next week but remember 7am meditations every day at St James’ and Good Friday Service at 10.45am followed by Walk of Witness and soup, bread and cheese lunch at the Methodist Church.

Also on Good Friday: Stainer’s Crucifixion @ St Bart’s – 7pm.

Weekly News – w/c Mon 12th March

PLEASE PRAY this week for all of us, and our experiences of being a child, being a mother or providing a mothering role for those around us. Be thankful that we are all children of a loving God who walks with us.

John 3 14-21
Maybe on Mothering Sunday when we think about being a child, or parenting children, we get a more vivid reminder of what it meant for God to send his most precious child Jesus to die for us and save us from our sins.


Monday 12th March
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 13th March
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 14th March
9.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

Thursday 15th March
3.00pm Evening Prayer, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 18th March
9.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
9.30am Morning Worship/Meditation, St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Wednesday 14th March
10am to 3pm St James’, OASIS – quiet time.
Come for as much or little as you wish (drinks provided but please bring your lunch)
7.30pm St Bart’s DCC

Thursday 15th March
7.30pm St Bart’s – rehearsal for Good Friday performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion. All welcome to come and sing, even if you’ve never done this piece before.

Friday 16th March
10-12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30-12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat
7pm St James’, Supper and Speaker Evening
– supper served at 7pm (veg option available).
All welcome. Speaker is Christine Rolls.
Sunday 18th March – St Bart’s AGM at 11am