
Parish Magazine – October 2022

Welcome to our tribute edition of the magazine to our Queen Elizabeth, who was an example to us all of how to live our lives in service to others. London seemed so far away, but with the help of Richard Noon and others you will see, we were able to say ‘Goodbye’ in our own Meltham way.

I would also like to apologise for not updating the parish registers over the summer. This was an oversight and are now included in this months edition. As we settle into the autumn months we can read about how the Crossroads continue to help those who need it. There are new events happening like Alpha and also a sneak peek as to what you can expect in the run up to Christmas.

The next deadline for the November magazine will be:
Monday 17th October 2022
Please send them via:
via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

God Bless,

You can also find here, a copy of the September magazine which unfortunately didn’t get posted last month, but still worth a look if you didn’t manage to get to see a copy. Apologies from the webmaster for that.

HARVEST FESTIVALS – OCTOBER 2022 – supporting Meltham Food Bank


Join us for our Harvest Festivals across the Parish either this Sunday (2nd October) or next Sunday (9th October)

Sunday 2nd October:
09.30am St James’ – MELTHAM MILLS
11.15am Christ Church – HELME

Sunday 9th October:
09.30am St Bartholomew’s – MELTHAM
11.15am St Mary’s – WILSHAW

We shall be collecting items for the Meltham Food Bank – they are short of all items currently, so any gifts given will be gratefully received. Items can be brought to any of the churches or the Crossroads centre.

It’s also the Season of Invitation so bring all the family, neighbours and friends too!

Please share widely!


Thank you!

Queen’s funeral

The funeral service for Queen Elizabeth will be shown on a big screen at St Bartholomew’s church in Meltham on Monday 19th September 2022 from 9.30am. All are welcome to join us for tea and cake with the vicar and to come together to pay our respects to our late Queen.  Times to be confirmed.

Services and events within the Parish of Meltham during the period of National Mourning

Services and events within the Parish of Meltham during the period of National Mourning:
Sunday 11th and 18th September
Our normal Sunday service times will be observed with prayers for Her Majesty the Queen:
9:30am St Bartholomew’s and St James’
11:15am St Mary’s and Christ Church, Helme
Wednesday 14th of September
Our normal BCP Communion service will be held at 10:30am in St Bartholomew’s
Saturday 17th September
A SPECIAL COMMEMORATION SERVICE will be held in honour of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at 6:00pm in St Bartholomew’s
St Bartholomew’s Church will be open to allow access to the book of condolence
Saturday 10th September 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday 11th September 12:00pm – 2:00pm and 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th 9:00am – 11:00am and 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Wednesday 14th September 9:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm
                     (Please allow for the morning service)
Thursday 15th and Friday 16th 9:00am – 11:00am and 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday 16th September 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday 17th September 12:00pm -2:00pm

Retirement service

4 pm Sunday 16th October at Welshampton 

We suspect a number of us will want to join Rev Maureen and John for their retirement service.

In these days of high fuel prices and environmental concerns it would be good to take as few cars as possible and some who want to go may not have car access. 

Mike Still will try to coordinate transport.  So if you are going and have spare car space or you want to go but need a lift. Please contact Mike. 

If you are interested in a Coach or Minibus again if there is sufficient demand we will try and organise it. 

Please reply to Mike by Sunday 25th Sept. 

Call or Text  07987951512

E mail.

Message via Meltham Church at Home WhatsApp 

Rev’d Maureen

Sunday 16th October 2022

After 20 years of teaching and 24 years 3 months 2 weeks and 4 days of

ordained ministry Revd. Maureen is retiring.

Her last services will be:

St John the Evangelist, Lyneal with Colemere 10.00am Sung Eucharist

St Michael & All Angels, Welshampton 4.00pm
‘Maureen & John’s Favourite Hymns’ Songs of Praise

Following the final service there will be a buffet in the Millenium Hall, Cockshutt.

All welcome to both or either service and to the farewell buffet.

H M QUEEN ELIZABETH II – Books of Condolence in Meltham

Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered through Books of Condolence which will be placed at St Bartholomew’s Church and the Carlile Institute in #Meltham for people to sign from 9.00am today (Friday 9th September).

Flowers will be laid at St Bartholomew’s Church – 9:30am.

May the soul of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace and rise in glory. May light perpetual shine upon her. We also pray for our new King Charles III