
The Cross of Christ – Service for Good Friday at 3pm

There will be a special Good Friday service at the Cross featuring readings and musical items taken from Stainer’s Crucifixion and Maunder’s Olivet to Calvary (which have usually been performed on this day for many years now). We cannot unfortunately yet have a full choir singing at this times, but are able to have 3 soloists singing the musical items telling the story.

The service will take place at St Bartholomew’s Church Meltham at 3pm and will also be available (hopefully live) via the Parish YouTube channel:

The usual social distancing and hygiene measures will be in place including the wearing of face coverings. We will also need to ensure that we do not exceed the now reduced seating capacity to ensure appropriate distancing can be maintained. Should turnout be high, we may need to ask people to return home and watch join via YouTube to ensure everyone’s safety (though we hope this is not the case).

Easter Hearts – food for those in need

Some of the 65 bags nearly ready to go out to all our #Meltham Foodbank clients from Wednesday. Thanks to all who provided a heart to go in the bags with the Real Love message. Easter eggs, heart and card for every family.

The Hearts are a reminder that at this time, we remember the Easter story – that God’s love is so amazing. He came to earth in Jesus, loved and lived among us. He understands what life is like. On Good Friday, Jesus died for our sins.

Holy Week Meditations – Tuesday

Rev’d John is using these these Daily reflections for Holy Week at the morning meditations. Written by Susanna Gunner in 2020 but still all too pertinent in 2021.

A painting, a short reflection and a prayer are offered to make connections between aspects of our Holy Week and Easter Week journey and the global pandemic which, this year, is inescapably our context for that journey. Please share them with others and perhaps print out for a friend or neighbour who is not online.

Easter Hearts – the real love story continues……..

The residents and staff at Greenacres, Helme Hall and Stable Court have received the hearts, made by Christians in Meltham. These Hearts are firstly a gift from Christians in Meltham to say thanks to the Staff in our care homes, the unsung heroes, key workers who have faced huge challenges and yet who have quietly got on with caring for the very vulnerable – and carrying out many more unsung tasks. The hearts are to remind them that they are not forgotten. We want them to know that they are valued and appreciated.

The residents in our local homes, have been missing out on the most human interactions, unable to hug or be hugged, many isolated from their families and those who love them. The hearts are to remind them that they are not forgotten.

Secondly the Hearts are a reminder that at this time, we remember the Easter story – that God’s love is so amazing, loving us without limits.

MCT prayers wb 29.3.21

Hello everyone



We have taken time for reflecting on the lives of some of the characters who were touched by Jesus. We have given thought to what it meant to them as they journeyed with Him close or on the fringe. Palm Sunday Celebration now

behind us, we move into Monday of Holy Week. We hear from Mary Magdala who was set free from Demons. Mary Magdala with the other Marys and the many other women were the ones who were  at the foot of the cross and were there at the burial of Jesus.

Opening Prayer

Almighty Father, who sent your only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sin, show me how I can honour you and bring glory to your name, by walking in the way of Jesus. Give me grace and mercy as I try and fail, guidance when I’m not sure which way to go, and wisdom to trust you in all things. For your love brings light and life to all who seek it. May I seek you evermore as I walk with you through this Holy Week and beyond. Amen.

Mary of Magdala

He came to my lakeside town and looked at me. I, the turbulent, unmanageable, frustrated one, felt all the acceptance I’d never met till then. At last, my gifts had a place, and my faith was not in vain. I followed him on the road. Me the clever, emotional one, with Joanna to make us prudent, Susanna to remind us of stories, and Salome to keep us respectable. Seven demons were released as I was given my right to my gifts! He knew the years of suppression, the infantile roles with no place for my soul. And he released me. There were others with other gifts, better gifts. I heard of the Gentile woman who mouthed him, laughed with him, got what she wanted from him; the woman who had to draw water at midday, who argued with him; and little Mary from Bethany who saw further than any of us, all the way to the cross.

‘Be a good Jew,’ he told me, ‘use your gifts to the utmost. God gave women gifts as good as men’s. Take yours and use them, fill the world with love and witness. You’ll be crucified too. They’ll take your name from you, mock you and make you small in the eyes of the world. You’ll be rolled into one with prostitutes and madwomen. But not in my eyes,’ he said: ‘Come follow me.’

I was there with him, as close as we could get, as he rolled in torment, hearing him when he could speak, seeing how he gave, even at the end. I saw him die. I heard the officer take heed of his goodness. I saw other hanged men dispatched from their misery at last, to keep the Sabbath pure.

Then we buried him. Hastily but decently, honouring the body of the best of Jews, who hung accursed on a tree and to us was the heart of love, and our hope and light. All extinguished. We asked why God had let this be done. And how do we live out his teaching when this was done to him by his world? Have we courage enough for the cold years ahead? Among such a mix of people with conflicting claims.

We were the witnesses. When two or three are gathered in my name. But what had we witnessed? How the bravest can die well? We kept and wept the Sabbath, the coldest Sabbath, recalling all he had taught of acceptance, freedom, welcome into the heart of the Creator. We were left clinging to bare, chilly faith of the mind alone where the spirit lay buried in the tomb.

Love casts out fear, we knew. Those days had not prepared us for hope. We went in the dark to evade danger where we could. Like him, we stepped aside where needful. The tomb lay open, robbed. We were dismayed, afraid of the new message. Then coming to meet us, where we were, stretching our hearts, came the story. ‘Do not be afraid. Peace I give you, my peace I bequeath you. Go, tell the others. Share the good news. I will be with you wherever you go, till the end of time.’

I was there, the leader, my demons dissolved in the sunrise. His choice of witness and apostle to the Twelve. The story we told was no cold faith. It went to soldiers, slaves and struggling folk, in the courts of the rich and the home of the comfortable. We talked of hope, of people-power that can change the world, and how Spirit-filled in common life we could confront all trials. As silently, as certainly as Jesus.

We give thanks …

For the risen Christ, casting out all fear, bringing new life on the first day of the week.

For the gifts that God has given, to people of every creed and colour and people and nation, to male and female, rich and poor.

For those who have the courage of leadership throughout the world, who seek to make it a place where all can exercise the fullness of their humanity.

We pray …

For those whose lives are limited by the actions of others, who are held in the grip of poverty, debt, illness, and the contempt of others.

For those who grieve, for their loved ones who have died, for the loss of fullness  in their own lives.

For those who have given up, through addiction, overwork, or bitterness, that they may hear rumours of hope and find it blossom in their lives.

For the sadness of our world, with wars and rumours of war, for the tomb of the hidden wars and its scars, in Central Africa; among the refugees from Myanmar abandoned on the open sea; among all who seek to move to find

freedom and fullness.

That Easter may come in our lives and the life of our common world.

Our own prayers …….. Lord’s Prayer ……




Palm Sunday Services – Sun 28th March 2021

Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! It’s Palm Sunday!
Join us in church or online as we celebrate Jesus arriving in Jerusalem on a donkey before turning our attentions to the journey through Holy Week leading up to Good Friday.

9:30am – Morning Prayer from St Bartholomew’s – Meltham (via YouTube)
– Unfortunately, due to technical issues, this service is not available online.

11:15am – Palm Sunday from St Mary’s – Wilshaw (via Zoom)