

Hello everyone


This week heralds the beginning of the Season of Lent. Over the past forty-eight weeks we have journeyed together praying for the world-wide pandemic Corona virus and its effects on us all, deepening our relationship with God through many different avenues of prayer and we have prayed and meditated on Gods Word through the Scriptures and the thoughts of others.

Today Our opening Prayer starts with “Lent is a time to learn to travel”

Christine and I are going to follow “Lenten Reflections on Thirteen Lesser Reported Followers of Jesus’ Passion” By Rosemary Power – A Wild Goose publication. We invite you to join with us for seven of the Reflections as we lead up to Easter Day.

Lent is a time to learn to travel

Light, to clear the clutter

From our crowded lives and

Find a space, a desert.

Deserts are bleak; no creature

Comforts, only a vast expanse of

Stillness, sharpening awareness of

Ourselves and God

Uncomfortable places, deserts.

Most of the time we’re tempted to

Avoid them, finding good reason to

Live lives of ease; cushioned by

Noise from self-discovery.

Clutching at world’s success

To stave off fear.

But if we dare to trust the silence

To strip away our false security,

God can begin to grow his wholeness in us,

Fill up our emptiness, destroy our fears,

Give us new vision, courage for the journey,

And make our desert blossom like a rose.

From – ‘Waiting for the Kingfisher’ – Ann Lewin

WEEK ONE:  Joseph the carpenter

I come in at the start.

I didn’t hear the end.

Or say a word.

Many a man rears another’s child.

My bride told me. After the pain, the strain,

of living the best I should, and loving more than I could dream.

Called like Ruth to leave the land, my people and my home

to work in tears among the alien corn

that filled my barns with joy.

When the years turned

and we returned to milk and honey

we followed the path through the scrolls

together, in synagogue and home

in dim evenings or the hot night

under the rooftop stars. I taught him.

I told then how we’d fled

for our lives, under the dark; the stark fear and loss of leaving,

saying nothing, fearing all

on the long road to Gaza, chariots kicking dust in the face,

and us parched, but afraid of the proffered lifts and drinks

and hidden costs,

me powerless to protect: he’d seen with toddler eyes.

We reached the sea and the coast ahead – but no waves parted,

though the full boat foundered on the further shore. We lived.

Storytelling’s in the family. I taught him.

In the workshop I taught those hands

to carve and turn, bind and loosen

and work the best, for neighbour, traveller and friend,

soldier and sinner, stranger, leper, child;

then lost him to the vineyards and the hills

and that other father, and to prayer

too silent for a labouring, dreaming man.

He saw me carrying the soldier’s pack in the heat, I sensed

the quick tense anger for his dad, then

his voice soft, curious,

asking the man’s story, listening to wandering years

till the stilled thug found his mile complete.

‘Your lad’ll go far,’ he told me.

I found him talking in the temple, once,

among the men.

I saw the smiles of passing rich, the priestly youth

tolerant of a bright boy and tradesman’s accent.

Was there one

who’d listen in the years he’d come to teach?

It was clear from then

there’d be no compromise,

but love, consideration and firm purpose

that would cross the world in its strength

and cross the powerful in their pride.

He’d join and try the heart and the grain

of the wood for its place

in the workshop of the world.

My time was over and the work passed on,

so, called to other work, I said:

‘Just mind your mum’ to a strong smile, the shine of eyes

wide enough for a region.

We give thanks …

For those who hold families together, who labour that we may eat.

For those who tell stories, where God dwells in the depths.

For the gift of reading the scriptures, and for teachers.

We pray …

For children seeking an education, that their desire might be fulfilled.

For parents seeking to protect their children, through hunger, war or lack of


For children who head families, holding in their loss and putting their hopes


For refugees on the road and on the sea; for those who have lost loved ones on

the journey, for those prey to people-traffickers, that they may find freedom.

Our own prayers …….. Lord’s Prayer ……


Holy Communion

Dear All

You are invited to join our service lead by Rev John.

Joining details:

Time: Feb 14, 2021 11:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on the link below:

Meeting ID: 816 6305 7656
Passcode: 265109

Tuesday care & share – chair yoga

Everyone in the Parish is invited to join us:

Next Tuesday 16th Feb 8pm-9pm, we have a visitor from Umbrella Yoga who is giving a half hour FREE chair yoga session for us.

All you need to do is complete the health survey below to cover their insurance. I have already done the health survey and it is very simple. All you tell them is your name, age & any illnesses.

Please do this before joining on Tuesday. The session will be nice & relaxing – just what we all need!! Hope to see you then!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0806 0113
Passcode: 424336

Meltham Parish Church Hall

This year the Church Hall is one of the Community Causes being supported by the Co-Op and you can support this by logging on to: and when asked which cause you wish to support, opting for Meltham Parish Church Hall. In case you cannot do this online, you can call 0800 068 6727 and option 1 lets you sign up for membership and option 2 lets you speak to someone to choose your cause. Please help this important Community building recover from its closure due to the pandemic. This is in addition to the co-op dividend paid to you.


Hello Everyone

Christine and I were Listening to the ‘Bible in a Year‘ being read to us by David Suchet. The daily readings on one particular day started with a reading from the 3rd chapter of Proverbs verses 1-10.  Each day the readings start with a Psalm or Proverb followed by a New Testament reading ending with one from the Old Testament. Christine and I look forward to listening to David, he reads so well. The tonal changes and empathise in his voice help us to take in what has been read to us. It was a reading from the book of Proverbs which struck a chord with both of us.


Pause as you pray this Prayer of Approach.

Loving Father, I still my soul now and remember that You are here with me, you are here in me, you are here for me. Lord Jesus, I worship You.  Holy Spirit, I welcome You.

Wisdom Bestows Well-Being      Proverbs 3 v 1–10

Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,

 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favour and a good name
in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil, this will bring nourishment to your bones.

Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops;
then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine

Since the second wave of the COVID-19, wellbeing has been high in people’s minds. Daily bulletins of new thoughts and measures, facts and figures have not been encouraging –  reaching one hundred thousand deaths, and more critically ill in overrun hospitals, and more and more new cases daily.

Wellbeing comes in many distinctive guises. Not many people rush to get hold of a bible to make them feel good. The passage of scripture above, dwells on our relationship with God and the whole of His Creation from which our wellbeing springs.                           

The Theme of this year’s Winter Watch with Chris Packham and Team was ‘Natural Well Being’. The team displayed and shared their knowledge of the outdoors through the medium of our television sets, in our homes. There was real energy, joy and euphoria in following the wildlife, and appreciating the flora and fauna, around the UK.

Chris Packham says ‘connecting with nature is important to us, and there are so many of us who enjoy the natural wellbeing of being outdoors or simply watching the birds in the garden from our patio doors or windows and we can now be mindful of the changes that are starting to occur heralding spring.

There is more interest in Mindfulness in these days of lockdown.  Winter Watch paused for 90 seconds in each of its eight episodes to give time for some of our five senses to kick in. (Touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste). 

Ruth Esther Vawter  – Pray Blog Author – gives us her contribution on senses and wellbeing

I believe in God because I see Him around me.

I believe in God because I Feel the presence of God.

I believe in God because I can smell His fragrance.

I believe in God because I can hear Him speak to me in various ways.

I believe in God because I can taste and know that He is God.

I believe in God because I believe the living word of God is true.

Our two Archbishops Invited us to set aside time every evening to pray, particularly at 6pm each day. More than ever, this is a time when we need to love each other and prayer is an expression of love.”

So let us take up this invitation to pray each day

Let us remember the work in the NHS, the sick and all those bereaved.

Let us pray for the safety of all front-line workers.

Let us pray for our government. the economy, the nation and the world as we battle with this pandemic. Let us pray  for the rolling out of the vaccination  programme.

In the Order of Compline –Last corporate Prayer of the day takes its form from psalm 17.

Compare Psalm 17 v 6-8 with the Compline Prayer.

6 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
    turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
7 Show me the wonders of your great love,
    you who save by your right hand
    those who take refuge in you from their foes.

8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
    hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Compline Prayer

Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit;  

For you have redeemed us, O Lord, O God of truth.  

Keep us, O Lord, as the apple of your eye;  

Hide us under the shadow of your wings.




March Magazine

Hi All,

Please can you email me any examples of kindness or love in action that you have seen or experienced during Lockdown.  We would like to include them in the March magazine.  They don’t have to be big, just anything that has brightened someone’s day.



Parish Magazine for February 2021

Hello and welcome to February’s edition of the #Meltham Parish magazine. In this edition you will find updates from the Crossroads and details of their new initiative to brighten up the shop window. There is interesting information about postal slogans along with the new daily prayers for Lent. The Churches may be closed but God still listens!

As always a thank you to those who have contributed but we still need more content for next month, so send in how you’ve been creative or those jokes or stories you’ve heard or the poems you’ve written to help keep this magazine going and bring a smile to readers faces. The next deadline will be Friday 19th February.

We have managed to get copies printed for you this month so if you need a copy for your friends please do collect from the usual distribution points or contact your church warden.