
MCT 11am (or any alternative time) PRAYERS


 Hello everyone

In the last two weeks, we have just touched on how Hymns and Psalms help us in worship and prayer. This week I would recommend to you a book by John L Bell. The title of his book is Living with the Psalms. He is an ordained minister, hymn writer, lecturer and broadcaster who lives in Glasgow. He is known to several people in Meltham who have attended various Christian events. He is a member of the Wild Goose Resource Group, which works under the aegis of the Iona Community. Again a few of our own people have been to Iona on Retreat.
John describes his book as – for the general reader that may be of interest to theologians and preachers. Some psalms have been sung since childhood. Some may even have been committed to memory and therefore be clothed with fond associations from our past.
Different people attribute personal interest and affection of the Psalms to a diversity of causes – the following four are the most popular reasons.

  • They cover a wide range of emotions. This is undoubtedly true but it tends to be the more positive emotions of joy, gratitude and praise than doubt, despair and anger that we can focus on
  • They have been set to music –  Psalm 100 set to the tune the Old Hundredth. Psalms 23 & 121 are also remembered because of their associated tunes.
  • Psalms are standard fare for Jewish Worship and have been used in the liturgies of Christian Churches since Pentecost.
  • Jesus knew and quoted the psalms.

PSALM 121   1 If I lift up my eyes to the hills, where shall I find help?                                                                                                      

This is one of the Psalms in frequent use. Misty- eyed romantics have regarded the psalm as a celebration of the wonders of creation—tree covered hills next to a calm loch overhung by white clouds in a blue sun-kissed sky. This is a misconception. For the writer, the hills were neither the source of aid nor alive with the sound of music. In the ancient world, the hills were places of mystery and of danger to travellers, especially where there was no path or guide. In them, thieves might hide, waiting to rob or mug unsuspecting travellers, as indicated in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37). So, when people were leaving a town or village, say on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, it would have been helpful for them to have a text in which they could ask where they might find security for a potentially dangerous journey.  They could ask – If I lift up my eyes to the hills, where shall I find help?  And they would be given the answer in v2 of the Psalm   2 My help comes only from the Lord, maker of Heaven and earth. 

In John Bell’s book it is not Psalm 1 –150 with commentary but rather he cleverly cross references by type and content which makes for a better understanding from the readers perspective. As you pray this week perhaps read a psalm per day and place yourself in the picture.    I suggest you leave out Psalm 88. 

As we pray let us be once again mindful of psalm 100 “It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” God listens to us as we intercede for all he created. Let us continue to offer thanks and intercessions for the world and for our community. 



MCT 11am (or any alternative time) DAILY PRAYERS

Hello Everyone

Last week I shared one of the ways that helps me to stay focused and closer to God. I gave an example of two modern songs composed by Matt Redman which I might read or sing and I always find it helpful to have a copy of the words.

Before I was seven years of age, I was a chorister in the choir at St Luke’s Milnsbridge. On Thursday Evenings it was rehearsal night for morning and evening Services the following Sunday. We went through the Hymns, Psalms & Canticles….. I loved it!   

The role of Psalms and Canticles in our services today does not have quite such a prominent part to play but are we missing out?  The Psalms are a real resource to help us in our prayer life.

This week I suggest using the psalms as a base for our prayers.

You may wish to have a Bible to read the words of the psalms and we  start with two psalms which give an invitation to come into the presence of God.

Psalm 95 v 1-7 – ‘Come let us sing to the Lord’

Psalm 100  — Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.   

It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 98 – leads us into a time of giving thanks and praise to God

Psalm 67 – Can lead us into a time of intercession for the world.

As we pray let us be mindful of psalm 100 “It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” God listens to us as we intercede for all he created.

  • There is profound disappointment as we go into lockdown in Kirklees. So we pray for all, living in the uncertainty, anxiety and frustration as we try to regain control of the virus.
  • We pray for the vulnerable, sick, dying and bereaved.
  • We pray for front line workers.
  • We plea for God to reach out and help us in all our needs.
  • We give thanks for all those in our community of Meltham caring and supporting people through the Food Bank and for neighbours who are watching out and helping each other.

As you go through the day be aware that God walks with you and remember the words of   verse 10 from Psalm 46  ‘Be Still and know that I am God’

Keep Safe, Keep Praying     


MCT 11am PRAYERS (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

When we do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays in us.  As we begin our prayers this week, lets pause for a few moments to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives to enlighten our hearts and minds.

Romans 8:26-27

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

St Paul knows how hard it can be to pray at times. He encourages the young church at Rome by reminding them and us, of the work of the Spirit deep within our hearts.

Is there a particular type of prayer that brings you closer to God?

The Spirit communicates to God on our behalf, bringing to God our deepest hurts and longings – the things we struggle to say.

What current issues in our world make you groan or sigh?

What issues do you struggle to pray about?

Lift them to God now. God searches the heart.

Allow Jesus to pour his love and healing into anything you are keeping hidden, trying to run away from, or causing you pain.

THE ‘VENITE’  (Oh Come let us sing to the Lord) is an ancient hymn of the church, based on Psalm 95.

This song of invitation to worship and praise is associated with the Matins or Morning Prayer worship, going back to monastic times….

I share with you the way which often helps and keeps me focused and closer to God.   I like to read or sing the canticles, hymns and worship songs.

Two examples below which are both composed by Matt Redman.


Verse 1Purify my heart // Let me be as gold and precious silver // Purify my heart // Let me be as gold, pure gold.
[Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy // Set apart for You, Lord //

I choose to be holy // Set apart for You, my Master // Ready to do Your will
[Verse 2] Purify my heart// Cleanse me from within and make me holy
Purify my heart // Cleanse me from my sin, deep within//

(Chorus] Refiner’s fire// My heart’s one desire Is to be holy…………


V1 To be in your presence //to sit at your feet//when your love surrounds me
and makes me complete

(Chorus) This is my desire, o Lord //this is my desire //this is my desire, o Lord// this is my desire//
V2 To rest in your presence //not rushing away// to cherish each moment//
here I would stay//


You might like to pause, clear your mind, be still and use the words of these two songs letting  the Holy Spirit work deeply within you.

Keep Safe, Keep Praying                   
