
Weekly News Bulletin for Sunday 24th May

After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:
“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
John 17:1-5 (NIV)

On the day of ascension Jesus went up. He went up to heaven and sits on the throne of glory. John 17:5 makes it clear that he shared the Fathers glory from before the world was made, ascension is when he returned to that place of glory.
When he came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem the angels declared that he was king, throughout his ministry on earth he remained king, and he was still king when he was lifted up on the cross.
Jesus’s sovereignty over all of creation is never in question. The question that we all need to ask ourselves is, whether we accept Jesus as our king? Do we acknowledge his sovereignty in our own lives?
This means accepting his plan for us and acknowledging that we don’t always get things right. The good news is that as our ascended king, fully God and fully human, he understands our struggles and is always ready to forgive us and help us.
Reverend John (Vicar)

Social distancing, services and buildings.
I am aware that some of the recent anouncments from the government were not as clear as they may have been. However, the position of the Church of England and the Diocese of Leeds remains to be that all of our buildings must remain closed for now. If any body feels that they need to access any of our buildings they must contact me so to see if it will be safe for them to do so, and so that I can maintain an accurate register of access.

Our parish communion will be posted on our website this will be pre-recorded but Rev John will be repeating the service at 5pm so that it may be considered spiritually live. Please join in if you are able.


Many people are looking for a simple way to pray. I hope that this will offer an opportunity to do so. Please look at the magazine, facebook, or our website for more details.

Parish Quiz night

Rev John thought it would be fun to share a parish quiz night together.

This will be on Saturday 6th June at 7pm using zoom.

Save the date!!

A zoom link will be sent out for you to join nearer the time.

Ascension Sunday – Parish Communion now online

Sunday 24th May – Ascension Sunday
Join us for a special on-line Parish Communion for the Sunday after Ascension – 24th May. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will be conducting the service from the vicarage at 5pm this evening so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily. Today’s service features our Virtual Parish Choir singing a new song for us all to learn and a special demonstration of Jesus going UP! – don’t forget to watch the funny out-takes at the end.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

The service booklet can be downloaded here if required:

DELAYED – Parish Communion for Ascension Sunday – 24th May

Today’s service will be delayed due to technical issues with YouTube. We are hoping to overcome them and aim to have the service online later this afternoon. Rev’d John will conduct the service at 5pm from the vicarage.

Don’t forget, you can still join our online Zoom worship which will be a service of the Word starting at 11:15am using this link:

Further updates will follow……….

11am. DAILY PRAYER (or any alternative time)

Hello everyone

In the past week we have begun to see how difficult it is to come out of seven weeks of Lockdown.    The first prayer spells out the enormity of the task before all the world’s leaders and decision makers.     Last week our prayers were prayers of thanksgiving for all the support being given by family and friends, members of our local churches and community ventures in times such as these. It is in these times we need to pray in earnest.’ Extra Ordinary Need -Demands Extra Ordinary Prayer’.

Our second Prayer is an affirmation of our own trust in God. As you pray imagine you are at the centre of the Disciples, ask yourself what if feels like to be in their midst in the presence of Jesus. Trust Jesus who said that He and his Father are one.  We, through the Holy Spirit, are also one with Jesus and the Father who is always present with us and knows our needs and helps us to pray.

Prayer for those taking decisions for the future that will shape the lives of us all

So much, Lord, is in the melting pot –uncertain, unsure.

It’s not just risks to health, though that’s scary enough; it’s the very fabric of our society: our schools, colleges and universities, our shops and stores, our arts, sport and leisure facilities, our businesses, factories, financial institutions, economy.

Everything, everywhere, is under threat, and though governments across the world are doing their best to limit the damage, desperately trying to keep the plates spinning, the balls somehow still juggled, there’s a danger that it will all come crashing down, leaving hardship in its wake such as we can scarcely begin to imagine.

Give wisdom, Lord, to those who must take decisions, those who must formulate plans, those who must weigh up the options and decide on the path least painful for all.

See us through this difficult time, we ask you, but see us also through the time beyond that, and the challenges it will surely bring. Amen.

Prayer for trust, despite appearances, that God is with us

You’re here, Lord, though we do not see it.

You’re here, though we do not feel it. 

You’re here, though it doesn’t seem it

You’re here, though our plight denies it.

You’re here, though we cannot grasp it.

You’re here, though we sometimes doubt it.

You’re here, though our dread obscures it.

You’re here, though we can’t believe it.

You’re here, Lord, as much in the night as in the day, the bad as in the good.

You’re here, You’re here


Scripture reading:
“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Keep safe, keep praying.


Weekly Bulletin for Sunday 17th May

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 (NIV)

“If you love me, keep my commands”. At the very top of the list of these commands must always be, love your neighbour (Mark 12:29-31 love the Lord you God and love your neighbour)

It seems a little strange to me that Rogation Sunday has been largely forgotten in many communities whilst the harvest festival is still as popular as ever. At harvest we thank God for all his blessings, but Rogation is when we ask God for those blessings, and not just for ourselves but for all our community.

The harvest festival should of course remain a time of great joy for everyone. However, for the Church rogation should be at least as great a joy. Rogation is not just about asking for God to bless us; it is a chance to ask God to bless everyone. If we truly love our neighbours, then this should be something we can really get excited about.

The early Church did not just bless their neighbours, they were a blessing to them wherever they went. Surely, as we seek to be a prayerful and generous Church we must want to bless and be a blessing to our community.

Reverend John (Vicar)

Social distancing, services and buildings.
I am aware that some of the recent anouncements from the government were not as clear as they may have been. However, the position of the Church of England and the Diocese of Leeds remains to be that all of our buildings must remain closed for now. If any body feels that they need to access any of our buildings they must contact me so to see if it will be safe for them to do so, and so that I can maintain an accurate register of access.

Online Services
Our parish communion will be posted on our website This will be pre-recorded but Rev John will be repeating the service at 10:30am so that it may be considered spiritually live. Please join in if you are able.

Many people are looking for a simple way to pray. I hope that this will offer an opportunity to do so. Please look at the magazine, facebook, or our website for more details. Yesterday (Sat 16th), people from across the Diocese prayed especially for our Parish here in Meltham!

Rogation Sunday – Parish Communion On-line

Join us for a special on-line Parish Communion for Rogation Sunday – 17th May. This can be viewed at any time but Rev’d John will conduct the service from the vicarage at 10:30am so that the worship may be considered spiritually live. The service words will appear on the video to enable you to join in easily.

The service can be viewed here via YouTube:

11am Daily Prayer (or any alternative time) – Monday 11th May

Hello everyone

A prayer of Thanksgiving for the support of family and friends, and intercession for those on their own

Thank you, Lord, for family at this time; for loved ones, there to support us, to demonstrate love and care in action, to do what they can for us in time of need.

Thank you for friends; those to whom our welfare really matters, who seek to help us in whatever ways they can, showing their concern, compassion, and friendship, not just through words but through deeds.

Hear our prayer for those who do not have such support, who are truly alone – those for whom long days of isolation were already an all too frequent reality, and who now feel cut off from all: frightened, helpless, hopeless.

Reach out to them, assuring them that you are by their side, and help us too, in whatever ways we can, to reach out likewise, and show them they are not abandoned or forgotten.


Nick Fawcett: For Such a Time as This

After a weekend of celebration for the 75th Anniversary of the end of six years of war in Europe, we saw around us a demonstration of camaraderie and community spirit despite Coronavirus. We witnessed the same spirit that doesn’t give in despite the sacrifice and the cost.

In our time of prayer this week, our prayer is to God, giving our thanks to Him for the support we have experienced from those around us. We also give Him  thanks for giving us the opportunity we have had to support others with a reminder to  watch out and to see how we might be of help for the vulnerable people known or unknown to us, both in or outside our church communities.

Christine and I are working at reducing the amount of material stored in our study. Over the last weekend I decided to see if I needed a pile of old magazines – the first copy of New Wine came unexpectantly in the post for June 1970, Fifty years ago. –   So, do I – don’t I bin it?

It sits in front of me now as I type this message. I attempt to pass on just a couple of word of wisdom from that period in time. 

Fifty years ago people were stressed by the possibility of atomic warfare.   In an article on “Last Days” the writer wrote “At this time we need the Holy Spirit and his gifts as never before to defeat the menace of darkness before us.   The Apostle Paul asked the question of the first Christian church “Have you received the Holy Spirit .“    It is the same question asked of us!

The title of the next article in the magazine  “Extraordinary Prayer” states that  “Extraordinary Need Demands  Extra Ordinary Prayer”   Jesus sets the example to his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane as he asked them to stay awake and pray with him.   Jesus, speaking with his Father God, demonstrated the agony of Extraordinary Prayer as he expressed sweat as droplets of blood. The disciples failed him!

Facing death Jesus is praying no ordinary prayer this was the heart of God battling against unseen powers for the salvation of the world.

As Christians there is a calling to pray for the world Jesus died for. We need the Holy Spirit and all His gifts more than ever in times such this. In the times we are living in there is a spiritual battle to wage. When you pray call out for the Holy Spirit to pray his words through you.

Scripture reading:
“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Keep safe, keep praying.
