
Weekly News – w/c 21 October

PLEASE PRAY for our United Kingdom, that we will be tolerant and resilient and adjust to change. Help us to play our part to rise above ideology and build up the common good.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 18, 9-14 13 – “The tax collector stood alone too. But when he prayed, he would not even look up to heaven. He felt very humble before God. He said, ‘O God, have mercy on me. I am a sinner!’ I tell you, when this man finished his prayer and went home, he was right with God. But the Pharisee, who felt that he was better than others, was not right with God. People who make themselves important will be made humble. But those who make themselves humble will be made important.”


Monday 21st October
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 22nd October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Holy Communion at Greenacres

Wednesday 23rd October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

Thursday 24th October
2.00pm Holy Communion at Helme Hall

NEXT SUNDAY 27th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Holy Communion
11.15am Christ Church, Service of the Word
11.15am St Mary’s, Holy Communion

Friday 25th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Wednesday 23rd October.
Prayer and planning for Growth in numbers, spiritual commitment and service our local community. Please join if you can, 7.30pm at the Vicarage.

Sunday 3rd November, 4.00pm Memorial Service at St Bart’s – a service for anyone who would like some time and space to remember someone who has passed away at any time in the past and to give thanks for their life.

It’s the Last Night of the Proms! – Sat 19th October

Please share! It’s the Last Night of the Proms in #Meltham. Saturday 19th October – 7:30pm @ St Bartholomew’s Church.

LNOP concert by Meltham & Meltham Mills Band with guest soloist Rowena Burton.

Come along to experience a great night of music including all your favourites from the Last Night of the Proms.

Don’t forget your flags!
Tickets £8 from The Flower Box, Cafe 33 or pay on the door

Weekly News – w/c 14th October

PLEASE PRAY for all those in physical or emotional pain. Help them to trust in the Lord who “heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3)

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 17, 11-19 – If a leper who was also a Samaritan was the outcast in Jesus’s day – who are the outcasts in our world that we need to reach out to in the knowledge that God loves them as much as any one of us.


Monday 14th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 15th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 16th October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 20th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church, Holy Communion
11.15am St Mary’s, Service of the Word

Tuesday 14th October
8.15pm – An evening with Mick Pease – Waggon & Horses – all welcome

Friday 18th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Saturday 19th October
Women’s Day at Huddersfield Cathedral House. £25 including lunch. 09.15am to 4.30pm. Christine Bleasdale has 10 tickets or contact Fiona via the vicarage.

15th Annual Last Night of the Proms at 7.30pm in St Bartholomew’s Church with Meltham and Meltham Mills Band and guest vocalist Rowena
Burton. Tickets £8 from Cafe 33 and The Flower Box, Market Place or pay at the door. Proceeds as in the past shared equally between the band and the church. Good music guaranteed. Come along and support.

Wednesday 23rd October.
Prayer and planning for Growth in numbers, spiritual commitment and service our local community. Please join if you can, 7.30pm at the Vicarage.

An evening with Mick Pease – Tues 15th Oct

Come drink, listen, learn and share on Tuesday 15th October – 8:15pm at the Waggon & Horses #Meltham. All welcome for this informal evening with Mick Pease which is sure to be most interesting. He’s just written his life story and he’s well worth listening to – bring friends too!

Mick was a miner who changed jobs and worked as a social worker with local government children’s services, mainly in Leeds for 37 years, predominantly in child protection, fostering and adoption.

In 1997 Mick and Brenda, his wife, volunteered with a children’s mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 12 months. Children of all ages were placed in an institution and Mick could not ignore the fact that most of them could and should be living with families, not in institutions. Whilst in Brazil he met Baroness Caroline Cox from UK House of Lords who suggested that he raise the possibility of foster care in Brazil! SFAC – Strengthening Families for Abandoned Children was born out of that discussion.

Mick’s passion is to see children in families, not institutions (Psalm 68:6). He believes that children should be supported to remain with their family and community but when separation is unavoidable they should be placed with safe and suitable extended family members or foster carers.

Weekly News – w/c 7th October

PLEASE PRAY with thanks that we have nutritious food to eat and clean water to drink. We pray that this would be the case for all people all over the world. As we celebrate the Harvest, help us to be thankful for what we have and content with the things that we need.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 10, 1-4 and 17 – “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”. Help us to know the ‘harvest field’ to which we are called to progress God’s work in our place and time.


Monday 7th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 8th October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Songs of Praise, Greenacres

Wednesday 9th October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 13th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Holy Communion
4.30pm St James’, FIVE ALIVE
11.15am Christ Church, Service of the Word
11.15am St Mary’s, Holy Communion

Friday 11th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
7.00pm St James’ Harvest for the Shoebox Project – Supper (£5), Sing-song and Auction.

Saturday 12th October, 1pm, Town Hall – Come and celebrate the opening of the new Crossroads advice & info centre, and Foodbank.
Saturday 19th October – Women’s Day at Huddersfield Cathedral House. £25 including lunch. 09.15am to 4.30pm. Christine Bleasdale has 10 tickets or contact Fiona via the vicarage.

It’s Harvest Time in Meltham


Join us for our Harvest Festivals across the Parish this Sunday (6th October).

It’s the Season of Invitation so bring all the family, neighbours and friends too!

09.30am St Bart’s – MELTHAM: Harvest All Age Communion
09.30am St James’ – MELTHAM MILLS: ONE FOR ALL – Family Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church – HELME: Harvest Festival
11.15am St Mary’s – WILSHAW – Harvest Festival

We shall be collecting items for the Meltham Food Bank.
Items can be brought to any of the churches or the Crossroads shop.

Please share widely!


Thank you!

Weekly News – w/c 30 September

PLEASE PRAY that we have the strength and confidence to accept what happens, and to believe that in every adversity is an opportunity for us to
come closer to you.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Luke 16, 19-end – Thank you that you have given us all the guidance we need to follow you through your Word. Help us to understand and follow that guidance.


Monday 30th September
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 1st October
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 2nd October
9.00am Holy Communion BCP, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s
10.30am Holy Communion, Bell House

NEXT SUNDAY 6th October
09.30am St Bart’s, Harvest All Age Communion
09.30am St James’, ONE FOR ALL – Family Service of the Word and Harvest
11.15am Christ Church, Harvest Festival
11.15am St Mary’s, Harvest Festival

Wednesday 2nd October
10.30am-3.00pm St James’ OASIS QUIET DAY

Friday 4th October
09.00am–3.00pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group (with soup lunch)
10.00am-12 noon St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
07.00pm Ladies Speaker and Supper Evening, St James. Vicky Minton on her trip to Palestine.

19th October. New Wine Women’s Day at Huddersfield Cathedral House. £25 including lunch. 09.15am to 4.30pm
Christine Bleasdale has 10 tickets, first come first served.

Meltham Harvest Home @ The Waggon & Horses

Meltham Harvest Home at the Waggon & Horses – Sunday 29 Sept – 7:30pm

You may not be a farmer – but you may have an allotment – hens/eggs/jam/pickle/marmalade/cake/buns/Mars Bar cake (the list is endless!) or you may just be the crocheting Premier of Meltham! You may be a wood turner, card maker or a knitter – or a wine maker!

Whatever your gifts we’d love you to share them for charity.

On Sunday 29th September 2019 at 7.30pm we want to sing and celebrate the gifts of the people of Meltham. We want you to come and bring produce YOU or your family have grown, or made – and which can go into the auction for a local charity.

And we are going to cheerfully sing Harvest songs – plus have some appropriate readings to celebrate this time of year.

Please come and bring friends – and the product of your skills!

Even if you can’t bring an offering – come along anyway!

‘Oasis’ Quiet Day

Wednesday 2nd October 

10.30am -3pm at St James’

The day will give you a safe, quiet space in which to relax, pray, feel ‘in the presence ‘ and generally have a ‘day off’ away from normal routine. 

Some inspiring words, music and images to guide your thoughts, but mainly…silence. A time to read, pray, meditate, think, go for a walk, whatever you feel in need of to help you relax and find refreshment in a Holy Place.

More details will be in October’s Magazine or from Christine Woods (852268) or Jenny Mathers (850839).