
Weekly News – w/c 16th July

PLEASE PRAY with thanks for the perseverance and bravery of all those involved in the rescue of the boys and their coach from the flooded caves in Thailand, and for the family and friends of the Navy Seal who lost his life. Sometimes we are called to put others before ourselves, whatever the consequence. Help us to be brave and to persevere.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Mark 6, 14-­29 – God gave us a conscience. Let us pray that we are able to listen to it and act upon it, even if that means not going along with the crowd.


Monday 16th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 17th July
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 18th July
09.00am BCP Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

09.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
09.30am Holy Communion, St James’
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s
11.15am Holy Communion, Christ Church

Other dates for your diary
Friday 20th July – 9am–3pm St James’ Operation Christmas Child working group – come along to help with the preparation of shoe boxes, and to meet old friends and new (every Friday until November with the exception of August 3,10,17 and 24).
10am -­ 12 St James’, Community Card Group
10.30am -­ 12 St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Pets/Animals Service – This Sunday (15 July) at Wilshaw

For all you animal lovers in #Meltham and beyond……. @MelthamWildlife ?

Special church service for Pets/Animals AnimalServiceput together by the RSPCA.  Sun 15 July 11:15am at St Mary’s #Wilshaw (HD9 4DZ). Service will be in the croft (field next to church). Everyone welcome. You can bring your pets or any animals with you or just a picture of your pet. Children welcome to bring toy animals. It’s a lovely service which is now an established annual event. Please come and support us and take this unique opportunity to bless and pray for all the living creatures in the world!  We’ve had many visitors including cats, dogs and ferrets in previous years – what could you bring?

Carols in the Park

An absolutely magical night at Carols in the Park. Over 600+ came on a beautiful calm night. What can go wrong when Meltham and Meltham Mills Band plays, Meltham Community Choir sings, Richard Whiteley comperes, the Meltham School Choir sings and the glorious grace of God binds it all together! Fabulous community support!

by Nigel Priestley

Crisis Coffee Morning News

Dear Lovely People, Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning. As ever we could not have done it without your generous gifts of both time and donations for all the different stalls. We had lots of visitors and our refreshment team were very busy, so thank you also to everyone who invited along family and friends. And thank you for spending your money! We have raised over £3000 which will make a big difference to the lives of those who need the support of “Crisis”. Alison and Richard Whiteley