
Jigsaw Ministries

Help us raise funds to buy a new van for Jigsaw:

Jigsaw is a Christian Children’s ministry working to change poverty in the lives of children and families in the Philippines.

Jigsaw vans are an integral part of the ministry picking children up from street areas, taking children to hospitals, taking kids workers to Jigsaw’s different community projects and much more. Another Jigsaw van will help Jigsaw to expand their capacity to respond to the needs of children and Kate Lee and Mandy Latimer are running a half marathon to raise funds towards a new Jigsaw van.

Can you support Kate Lee & Mandy Latimer in their challenge to run a half marathon (The Perkins Great Eastern Run) to raise funds for Jigsaw to buy a new van. Date of run 11th October 2015.

How you can sponsor:

You can sponsor per mile or as a fixed gift.

Cheque: Jigsaw Kids Ministries (write on the back Van sponsorship please) Send to: Jigsaw Kids Ministries, 1st floor Chapel House, Chapel Lane, St Ives, Cambs – PE27 5DX.

Just Giving Text:  Text JIGK13 £10  (amount is variable) to 70070

Direct Bank Transfer:  Account name – Jigsaw Kids Ministries , Sort Code 30-94-43, account No/ 03952804  Lloyds Bank. Reference – van sponsorship

Just Giving website:  Search for Jigsaw Kids Ministries (not live until next week)

Thank you very much, from Kate and Mandy

Harvest Celebration at St Mary’s

Dear Friend,

You are invited to share a Harvest Celebration on Sunday October 4th at 11am. This year we need more donations of food than in any other year. As usual fresh food will go to local people in need (please let us know if you know of a person who is in need) and the tins & rice etc. will go to the Meltham food bank. The food bank has been struggling with the recent high demand so we’re hoping to help them this year. Hopefully we will see everyone on Sunday but if you can’t make the service please consider a donation of food.

With warm wishes From All at St Marys

Men’s Night – Food, Drink & Talk – Friday 2 Oct 7:30pm

Fancy an alternative night out this Friday?
Men’s Night – Food, Drink & Talk – Friday 2 Oct 7:30pm
The speaker is Terry Wilcox: Project Director at In2Out based in Leeds sharing his experiences in helping the rehabilitation of young offenders. Food and drink at 7.30pm – talk and reflection a bit later.
Please contact Nigel Priestley if you would like to attend:

Terry says about himself:

“I came from working class beginnings in Bolton. My early business life was in Software – Taking new products to market, opening new markets, building new companies.

I’ve had a change of identity in the last 5 years – working with young people who’ve made bad decisions and now have criminal convictions. Check out

I’m helping them to re-adjust and resettle as they rebuild their lives ‘on the out’ – challenging, often frustrating and, occasionally, immensely rewarding.

I am motivated by personal Christian faith – I’ve been married (39 years) to Lis, with two grown-up children. I live in Harrogate and keep a dozen sheep.

Hope that’s enough!”

Below is an article about a recent visit:

The work of a local prison chaplaincy project helping the rehabilitation for young offenders has been highlighted with a visit to Wetherby Young Offenders Institution and Wetherby prison by the Bishop of Rochester, the bishop for prisons.

The Rt Revd James Langstaff met staff of In2Out, a community chaplaincy initiative based at Wetherby Young Offenders Institute which is supported by the Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust.

The Bishop is pictured with Terry Wilcox, the In2Out Project Director

Terry said, “In2Out focuses on young people aged 15 – 21 who have offended and are involved in a Criminal Justice process. They may be completing a custodial sentence in, say, a Young Offender Institution; or perhaps contributing to a community based reparation scheme.

“That means we work in the community, rather than just inside the prison. We help ex-offenders who tell us they want to change their lives and we provide a mentor to work with each young person one to one . We work alongside the young person, faith groups, employers and statutory organisations to ensure the transition to a less chaotic life.”

Meltham Crossroads Food Bank – Stocks running low!

Meltham Crossroads Food Bank has been greatly depleted recently.
Please could you make your friends, families and congregations aware of the items needed (see list below).

Donations can be left at the Crossroads Shop or Centre or left in any of our churches.

Tins of Meats

Tins of Fish

Tins of Vegetables

Tins of Potatoes, and Instant potato

Tins of Baked beans

Pasta and pasta sauces


Fruit Juices


Tea, coffee and sugar

Toilet rolls




Ladies toiletries

Any other tinned foods would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Prayer Vigil – The Meltham Refugee Crisis Appeal

Prayer Vigil 3Oct15

We invite you to gather in compassion and remembrance for all refugees and those seeking sanctuary  by participating in our Prayer Vigil.
The “Meltham Refugee Crisis Appeal” has stood as a public face  in response to the suffering and distress of those in need across the world.Let us gather together in solidarity and strength  to pray for those who are displaced, in danger and seeking sanctuary.

We are holding a dedicated time of prayer focused on the Refugee Crisis in St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham

Saturday 3rd October 2015 10am –10pm.

We would encourage everyone to unite in prayer,  by lighting candles, pausing in silence or  actively recording your prayers and thoughts in the prayer journal.  Please join together in the way you feel most comfortable.

There is also an opportunity to email your prayer requests to: these will be written into the prayer journal  and read alongside other prayers at intervals during the vigil.
God’s Blessing  Revd Charlene Smith  Curate “Christ the King” Meltham