

Join us at one of our special services across the Meltham Parish as week make the journey through Holy Week:

Holy Week (Mon 3rd April to Sat 8th April)

– Monday to Friday daily devotional 7am – 7.30am, at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills

– Monday Stations of the Cross, 7pm at Christ Church, Helme.

– Tuesday Taize Service, 6.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw

– Maundy Thursday Communion Service, 7.30pm at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills

– Good Friday Service of Witness 11.30am in St Bartholomew’s Meltham Churchyard, followed by soup lunch at the Methodist Church.

– Saturday Easter Trail 10am – 3pm starting on the Greenway


Parish Magazine – April 2023

Happy Easter!
Depending on when you are reading this I hope you have/had a blessed Easter.
You may notice that the finished magazine may look a little different this month. That’s because we are currently in the process of switching the printing from Kirklees college to another printers (yet to be determined) so the hard copy is my handiwork.

However I hope that does not put you off from reading some inspiring and informative articles like ‘What does Easter mean to me’ on page 15 and why there is a wooden apple on the Eagle in St James’ Church (pg13)

Thank you as always for you continued support and contributions.

The next deadline of the magazine will be:
Monday 17th April 2023 Please send them via: or via the vicarage letterbox (150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL).

God Bless,

Palm Sunday – Family Communion Service – 2nd April at 10:30am – St James’ Church, Meltham Mills

Join us on Sunday for a special Family Communion service at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills (the church by the park). This week we’re celebrating Palm Sunday where Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey! There will be a procession around the church and Palm Crosses will be given out to all. It would be great if there are any families whose children could help lead the procession.

This is a joint service for the whole parish – there are no other services in the parish on Sunday morning. Please note the later start time of 10:30am.

The choir at St Bartholomew’s will be singing Olivet to Calvary in the afternoon at 4pm. All welcome.

Performance of the Sacred Cantata – Olivet to Calvary – Sun 2nd April – 4pm – Meltham

Join us at St Bartholomew’s Church in #Meltham on Palm Sunday (2nd April) at 4pm to hear this rendition of the Easter Story. It will be sung by our augmented choir of over 25 voices and two guest soloists; Richard Cook (Tenor) and David Kaye (Baritone).

Described as a sacred cantata, ‘Olivet to Calvary’ recalls the scenes which mark the last few days of Christ’s life on earth. Part 1 starts with Christ’s jubilant journey to Jerusalem and ends with the scene on the Mount of Olives.
Part 2 begins with the Feast of Passover with Christ’s commandment to his disciples to ‘Love one Another’ and ends with the Crucifixion at Calvary.

It will also feature images relating to the story displayed on the big screen as it is being sung and is interspersed with congregational hymns for everyone to join in together.

Free admission. All welcome.

Celebrating Mother’s Day in Meltham – Sunday 19th March 2023

Join us at one of our special celebration services on Mother’s Day. We’ll be celebrating and giving thanks for Mums, Grandmas and all those who care for children.

9:30am at St James – Meltham Mills (the Church by the park)

11:15am at St Mary’s – Wilshaw

Fun and engaging worship in a safe and friendly environment. Both services will be child friendly but will also be sensitive for those where for various reasons, Mother’s day can be a difficult day.

ALL WELCOME! – Mums and Grandmas (and of course Dads and Grandads, Brothers and Sisters) – bring the whole familly!

Please note there will be no services at St Bartholomew’s – Meltham or at Helme. Please join in one of the services above.

Parish Magazine – March 2023

Spring is in the air! Snow drops and daffodils and other pretty spring flowers are beginning to appear and bring colour to our wonderful world. So I had to feature the snowdrops from Robert Ashton park on the front cover. Thank you as ever to those who have contributed this month. Its hard to believe this time last year the war in Ukraine was just beginning, T4U offer their reflections on this (pgs 12-13). Jenny shares a prayer for a greener church (pg9). Finally after 18 months the Parish Hall is looking a lot fresher and brighter, read what has been done on page 15. Have you been going to a lent group and want to share your thoughts or reflections? Then please do send them in.

Winter Service Schedule for MARCH 2023

Follow Jesus TOGETHER around the parish this Winter………

Due to the high energy prices and in order to reduce heating costs, services will only be held in two churches each Sunday instead of all four during January, February and March 2023:

The services held during January and February have been great joining together to worship and keep warm. If you’ve not yet been able to yet, it’s not too late to come along and join together at one of the other churches if there is not a service at the one you would usually attend. Let’s stick together (and worship together) during these difficult times.

Holy Communion services are marked †

Sunday 5th March
9.30am at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills
11.15am at St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw †

Wednesday 8th March
10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 12th March
9.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church †
11.15am at Christ Church, Helme

Wednesday 15th March
10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 19th March – Mothering Sunday
9.30am at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills †
11.15am at St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw

Wednesday 22nd March
10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 26th March
9.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church
11.15am at Christ Church, Helme †

Winter Service Schedule for FEBRUARY 2023

Follow Jesus TOGETHER around the parish this Winter………

Due to the high energy prices and in order to reduce heating costs, services will only be held in two churches each Sunday instead of all four during January, February and March 2023:

The services held during January have been wonderful – everyone joining together to worship and keep warm. If you’ve not yet been able to join a service during January, you’re encouraged to join together at one of the other churches if there is not a service at the one you would usually attend. Let’s stick together (and worship together) during these difficult times.

Holy Communion services are marked †

Wednesday 1st February

10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 5th February

No service at St Bartholomew’s

9.30am at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills

11.15am at St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw †

Wednesday 8th February

10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 12th February

9.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church †

11.15am at Christ Church, Helme

Wednesday 15th February

10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

Sunday 19th February

No service at St Bartholomew’s

9.30am at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills †

11.15am at St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw

Ash Wednesday 22nd February

10.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church BCP †

7.30pm at St Bartholomew’s Church †

Sunday 26th February

9.30am at St Bartholomew’s Church

11.15am at Christ Church, Helme †