
Christmas Services in the Parish of Meltham – 2022

Join us this Christmas at any of our 4 parish churches as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
There’s something to suit everyone – ALL WELCOME! Please share……….

Saturday 17th December, Christingle Service, at 4:00pm – Christ Church, Helme.

Saturday 17th December, Carols in the PUB, at 7:30pm – The Wagon and Horses, Meltham

Sunday 18th December, Nativity Carol Service, at 4:00pm – St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham.

Christmas Eve, Crib Service, at 4:00pm – St James Church, Meltham Mills.

Christmas Eve, Midnight Communion, at 11:30pm – St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham

Christmas Day:
9:30am St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.
10:00am Christ Church, Helme.
11:15am St Mary’s Church, Wilshaw.

Parish Magazine – December 2022 – Christmas Edition

Happy Christmas!
A very warm welcome to those who may be reading this for the first time. We hope you like it and find
something that interests you in it. The magazine is printed every month and is available in our Churches or on the parish website:

Thank you to all who have contributed this month and throughout the year. I really couldn’t make it the
magazine it is without you. This month is a great Christmas edition and you can find out about all what is happening in our Churches this Christmas on the centre pages. Also there is an update from Meltham Mustard Seed project and and from The Crossroads project too.

The next deadline for the delayed January magazine will be:
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Please send them via:
via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

God Bless, and have a joyful Christmas.

Carols in the Park – Sunday 4th December – 4pm

Carols in the Park with Meltham & Meltham Mills Band.

Sunday 4th December – 4pm at the Robert Ashton Memorial Park.

Celebrating Real Love at Christmas – Jesus born in Bethlehem, the Light shining in the Darkness!

We are giving thanks all the good things that happen in the Meltham community.

Supported by Crossroads, Meltham Town Council and Morrisons.

Don’t forget your torch!

There will be hot chocolate in St James’ Church afterwards along with some Christmas stalls.

Please, if you’re able to offer help with stewarding or setting up etc. please contact Mike on 07867 951512 for further details, or to let him know you can help. Thank you!

Christmas Market and Santa’s Grotto – Sat 3rd December – Meltham Church Hall

St Bartholomew’s Church Christmas Market and Santa’s Grotto – Saturday 3rd December – 10am – 4pm.
Put on your Christmas Jumpers and join us at Meltham Church Hall to celebrate the beginning of the festive season and find something truly special whilst supporting our local traders. We ho-ho-hope to see you there! 🙂

Glass & Ceramics
Hats & Scarves
Soaps & Candles
Wooden Gifts
Cakes & Sweets
Cards & Tags
& Lots More!

£1 entry (includes free coffee or mulled wine + a mince pie!)

For the kids, there’s face painting and Santa can also be visited in his Grotto – courtesy of Meltham Stage Company.

There will also be stalls outside and the Meltham Christmas lights switch-on will follow at 5pm.

Christmas is coming!

So here is the plan! Friday morning 10.00 working party at Parish hall and St Barts to do 2 things. 1 set up parish hall for fayre and 2 install the nativity scene and lights, then round to St James’ to do the same.  

Saturday morning there may be some finishing off jobs to do as well as help needed for the Christmas fayre.  We know people are working etc. but if you can prioritise some time it will be really appreciated. My guess is we need about 6 people at least.  


Mike Still

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who contributed our ‘Crisis’ coffee morning yesterday.  It was the busiest yet and we appreciated the support from all our friends and the community. We are delighted to say that £4870 has been raised.  

‘Crisis’ coffee morning

Please join us at our coffee morning to raise funds for ‘Crisis’, the Welcome Centre and Teams4U.

There’ll be lovely handmade crafts, lots of amazing gift hampers at bargain prices, AH Creations (wax melts, candles etc), the silent auction (with some great ‘lots’), cards, homeware, jams, pickles, sweets, win a bottle, tombola and a raffle. Not forgetting a chance to catch up with friends. Hope to see you there!

Remembering the fallen from Meltham, Helme and Wilshaw

Today we remember the fallen from Meltham and the surrounding areas of Helme and Wilshaw. Their names will be read out during the Remembrance service which starts at 10:30am.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

This wonderful display of 600 poppies was created from the wreaths laid last year. It continues with a further 200 poppies inside the church.

Thank you to Margaret Thorley and Tom Bolland who salvaged the poppies from the wreaths last year and glued them onto the skewers. Also to Margaret Walker who helped ‘plant’ them in the pouring rain……and anyone else involved.

Remembrance Sunday 2022: Services in the Parish of Meltham

LEST WE FORGET: Remembrance Sunday 2022 – Services in the Parish of Meltham – Sunday 13th November:

10:30am @ St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham
(Parade led by Meltham & Meltham Mills band leaves Carlile Street at 10.15am – those not joining the parade please be inside church by 10.30am please)

2:00pm @ St Mary’s, Wilshaw (in Church or online via Zoom using the following link):

Meeting ID: 892 0063 1544 / Passcode: 983095

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Other services in the Parish:

09.30am St Bartholomew’s, Meltham – Said Holy Communion.

No services at Meltham Mills or Helme.