
Christmas is coming!

So here is the plan! Friday morning 10.00 working party at Parish hall and St Barts to do 2 things. 1 set up parish hall for fayre and 2 install the nativity scene and lights, then round to St James’ to do the same.  

Saturday morning there may be some finishing off jobs to do as well as help needed for the Christmas fayre.  We know people are working etc. but if you can prioritise some time it will be really appreciated. My guess is we need about 6 people at least.  


Mike Still

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who contributed our ‘Crisis’ coffee morning yesterday.  It was the busiest yet and we appreciated the support from all our friends and the community. We are delighted to say that £4870 has been raised.  

‘Crisis’ coffee morning

Please join us at our coffee morning to raise funds for ‘Crisis’, the Welcome Centre and Teams4U.

There’ll be lovely handmade crafts, lots of amazing gift hampers at bargain prices, AH Creations (wax melts, candles etc), the silent auction (with some great ‘lots’), cards, homeware, jams, pickles, sweets, win a bottle, tombola and a raffle. Not forgetting a chance to catch up with friends. Hope to see you there!

Remembering the fallen from Meltham, Helme and Wilshaw

Today we remember the fallen from Meltham and the surrounding areas of Helme and Wilshaw. Their names will be read out during the Remembrance service which starts at 10:30am.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

This wonderful display of 600 poppies was created from the wreaths laid last year. It continues with a further 200 poppies inside the church.

Thank you to Margaret Thorley and Tom Bolland who salvaged the poppies from the wreaths last year and glued them onto the skewers. Also to Margaret Walker who helped ‘plant’ them in the pouring rain……and anyone else involved.

Remembrance Sunday 2022: Services in the Parish of Meltham

LEST WE FORGET: Remembrance Sunday 2022 – Services in the Parish of Meltham – Sunday 13th November:

10:30am @ St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham
(Parade led by Meltham & Meltham Mills band leaves Carlile Street at 10.15am – those not joining the parade please be inside church by 10.30am please)

2:00pm @ St Mary’s, Wilshaw (in Church or online via Zoom using the following link):

Meeting ID: 892 0063 1544 / Passcode: 983095

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Other services in the Parish:

09.30am St Bartholomew’s, Meltham – Said Holy Communion.

No services at Meltham Mills or Helme.

Reverse Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago here at St Mary’s Wilshaw we decided to do a Reverse Advent Calendar.  We would buy an item of food, tins or non-perishable goods and instead of opening that cardboard door in our calendar, each day we would put a food item away and bring what we had saved to Church on Sunday.  After Christmas, everything that we had collected was taken down to the Food Bank in Meltham for distribution.
Judith Moore
The PCC has agreed that it would be good for all the churches in the Parish to take part in the Reverse Advent Calendar this year.  The Food Bank would be very grateful of your support as stocks are often low in January. It has been requested that Christmas themed food is not included.


Evening House Group – Follow The Star – The Great Invitation

Over the summer and early part of the autumn some folk expressed an interest in getting some more fellowship time together to explore God’s word, to reflect on it together and to get to know others better in the Meltham church community.

From 28th November for four successive Mondays we’d like to give you the opportunity to join us in a new House Group where we will spend an hour or so working through some reflection materials that the Church of England has come up with – called “Follow The Star – The Great Invitation”.  We’ll aim to start at 2000hrs each Monday and finish by no later than 2130hrs.

There is absolutely no forward commitment and if you can’t do all the dates that’s fine too.  After Christmas we will take stock and hopefully there will be enthusiasm for carrying on and we can discuss frequency, format etc.

As the long winter evenings draw in and there is less and less daylight time we hope the idea of meeting up is attractive to you!

Memorial Service – Sunday 6th November – 4pm

You are invited to our special memorial service on Sunday 6th November – 4pm at St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham. This service offers an opportunity to give thanks for and remember any loved one that we have lost at any time in our lives. There will be an opportunity during this service for anyone who wishes to do so, to light a candle in remembrance of those people. All are welcome.

Working Party

Saturday 12th November


St. James’ Church car park

Shrub pruning and ivy clearing.

Please join us for whatever time you are able.

Bring your own coffee.