
Joint Service at Meltham Methodist Church – Sun 19th January – 10:30am

Come along to the joint Covenant Service, an annual Methodist tradition which has become a favourite with all the Meltham Churches worshipping together.  This is a service at which we can celebrate together all that God has done for us and affirm that we give our lives and choices to God. A great opportunity for us to worship together and keep warm together.

Sunday 19th January – 10:30am – Meltham Methodist Church – Mill Moor Road – ALL WELCOME – Do join us!

The Methodist Covenant Prayer

A covenant with God

I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to what you will,
rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing,
put me to suffering;
let me be employed for you,
or laid aside for you,
exalted for you,
or brought low for you;
let me be full,
let me be empty,
let me have all things,
let me have nothing:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things
to your pleasure and disposal.
And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours. So be it.
And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.’

More info can be found here:

Please note that there will be no services at the other churches in the Parish except for a service at Wilshaw at 11:15am which can be joined online or using this zoom link:

 Meeting ID: 864 1902 9753, Passcode: 638750

Toddler church

Toddler Church is back on Tuesday 14th January.

On Thursday 16th January you are invited to a cheese and wine evening at St. James’ Church (the one by the park).

Starting at 6.30pm.

Family, including children, are all invited.


The Toddler Church is restarting this week on Tuesday 7th January at St Bartholomew’s Church in the centre of #Meltham. Toddler Church welcomes pre school aged children with their carers every Tuesday, 9am – 11am (during term-time only). Regarding bad weather during the winter, if the C of E school is open, then we shall also be.

If you’ve not been before or are not sure, then why not come along and give it a go? We are a friendly group and you will receive a very warm welcome.

Look forward to seeing you all – The St Bart’s Tots Team.

IMPORTANT! – Changes to service times in the parish during the WINTER months – JANUARY 2025

Follow Jesus around the parish this Winter………

Similar to last year, primarily due to the continued high energy prices and in order to reduce heating costs, services will NOT take place in all four churches each Sunday during January, February and March 2025:

Everyone is encouraged to join together at one of the other churches if there is not a service at the one you would usually attend. Let’s stick together (and worship together) during these winter months and keep warm.

Services will be as follows for January:

St James’ (ALL AGE SERVICE) 9:30am
St Mary’s Wilshaw (HOLY COMMUNION) 11:15am

SUN 12th JAN
St Bartholomew’s (HOLY COMUNION) 9:30am
St Mary’s Wilshaw (SERVICE of the WORD) 11:15am

SUN 19th JAN
Methodist Covenant Service 10:30am – Joint service at Meltham Methodist Church.
St Mary’s Wilshaw (HOLY COMMUNION) at 11:15am

SUN 26th JAN
Parish Communion Service 10:30am, St James’ Meltham Mills.

Please Note:

– We are all encouraged to join together on 19th Jan for a Churches together Covenant Service at the Meltham Methodist Church.
– The first Sunday in the month (9:30am) will be a service suitable for ALL ages and all members of the family – young, old and all those inbetween!
– There will be no services taking place at Helme Church due to the lack of heating.
– The mid-week Wednesday service of Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s will continue as normal each week at 10:30am.
– Toddler Church at St Bartholomew’s will continue as normal on Tuesday mornings each week 9am to 11am.

New Year & Epiphany Celebration – ALL AGE SERVICE – Sunday 5th January – 9:30am

Christmas ain’t over yet!
Join us for a still very festive ALL AGE service as we sing, share and celebrate the New Year and the feast of the Epiphany. Suitable for young, old and all those inbetween! Bring along the whole family!

New Year – New Life Journey!
We’re reflecting on the gifts that changed you!

If you’ve mince pies or Christmas cake left over, bring them along! If you enjoyed our other services in the build up to Christmas, then you’ll also enjoy this one too!

St James’ Church
Huddersfield Rd Meltham
(the Church next to the Park)
9.30am • Sunday 5th January 2025

If you’re a facebook user, please visit the event link below and share it to help us make people aware, or invite your friends and family to join us:


Merry Christmas to everyone from us all here in the Parish of #Meltham.

Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born in a dark, dim, cold and draughty stable in and amongst the animals as there was no room elsewhere.

Thanks to all who have joined us throughout this past month at our various events and services, it’s been great to see you all – we hope you experienced the joy and hope that Christmas brings. If you missed out, you can still experience it at our upcoming services – Christmas isn’t over yet – it’s only just begun!

Eat, drink and be merry today (if you’re able) but remember to make room for JESUS in whatever you get up to today.



10:30am – Joint Parish Service of Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s Meltham.


9:30am – All Age / Family Service to sing, share and celebrate the New Year at St James’ Meltham Mills
11:15am – Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wilshaw

Christmas 2024 – Church Services in the Parish of Meltham

Never mind Elf on a Shelf, Jesus wants to see Ewe in a Pew* this Christmas! 😉
Join us over this festive period here in #Meltham as we celebrate his birth!

4:00pm – Crib Service at St James’ Meltham Mills
11:30pm – Midnight Mass at St Bartholomew’s Meltham

9:30am – Christmas Day Holy Communion at St James’ Meltham Mills
11:15am – Christmas Day Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wilshaw

Please note, unfortunately there won’t be a service at Helme Church as there is no heating!

10:30am – Joint Parish Service of Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s Meltham.


9:30am – All Age / Family Service to sing, share and celebrate the New Year at St James’ Meltham Mills
11:15am – Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wilshaw

ALL WELCOME – it’ll be good to see faces old and new – yes this means EWE! 🤣

*note – not all the churches have pews, but don’t worry, there are chairs instead 👍

Christmas Eve – Midnight Mass – St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham – 11:30pm

Join us to at this special late night service of Holy Communion on Christmas eve as we celebrate the birth and welcome Jesus! There will be carols, prayers and Holy Communion. ALL WELCOME.

The service starts at 11:30pm – we aim for the service to last no more than 1 hour so everyone can get home in reasonable time (including the Vicar).

Toilets are available for those who might need one 🙂

Please note there will be no service at St Bartholomew’s on Christmas day but services will take place at 2 of our other churches in the parish:

9:30am at St James’ Meltham Mills.
11:15am at St Marys, Wilshaw.


Here is the link to the event on facebook, please share to help us make people aware:

CRIB SERVICE – Christmas Eve – 4pm at St James’ Church – Meltham Mills

Join us on Christmas Eve at 4pm at St James’ Church Meltham Mills (the one by the park) for our popular annual Crib Service. This is such a lovely event, perfect for anyone. Young and old – ALL WELCOME

The link to the event on facebook can be found here:

Please share it to help us make people aware.