
Parish Magazine – December 2021

Welcome to the Christmas edition of the #Meltham Parish magazine. Thank you to all who have contributed this month and throughout the year. This month is a great edition and you can find out about all what is happening in our Churches on the centre pages. Also you will find out about all the recent groups that have started up again recently including the Alpha courses and Helme Ladies.

Plesase note the next deadline for the delayed January magazine will be:
Monday 3rd January 2022

Please send them via:
via the vicarage letterbox.
(150 Huddersfield Rd, HD9 4AL)

Happy Christmas!

Church Yard Working Groups – Sat 20th Nov 2021

The Church Yard Working Groups are working at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills – Sat 20th November – where we shall be paying particular attention to the trees! – Saturday morning from about 09.30 to 12.30 but even if you can only spare an hour, it all helps to make the job easier – the more, the merrier! Please bring loppers and saws etc.

Feel free just to turn up, for all or a part of the session. We have a good chat and a laugh as well as work. Cake is usually involved at some point too! As we are outside, it is always weather dependent, so rain coats or sun hats required!

If you would like to join this merry group and want to be kept up to date with future dates and locations, please contact Irene Harrop at: or 01484 664163 or contact Mike Still on 07867 951512 for further information

Crisis coffee morning

Saturday 27th November

10am to 12 noon

St. James’ Church

Silent auction

Locally made crafts

Bargain gift baskets

AH Creations

Win a bottle


Coffee and cakes!

Please come and buy for your friends or yourself and raise funds for a charity which supports the homeless throughout the year.

Join the Remembrance Sunday Services from home – Sun 14th Nov 2021 – 10:45am and 2:15pm

If you’d prefer to join a remembrance service in the parish from the comfort of your home, why not join us on YouTube or Zoom.


The service will streamed live on the parish YouTube channel:…/UCpj6ZG35fYEmZGXFBhDF_kw/live


We are a friendly, loving, worshipping community and everyone is welcome to join us on ZOOM.

Time: Nov 14, 2021 02:15pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 528 871 2323

Passcode: 11

Remembrance Sunday Service – 14th November 2021 – 10:45am


Royal British Legion outdoor service of Remembrance around the War Memorial at St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham.
Sunday 14th November 2021. Please gather in the vicinity of the church yard in time to begin at 10:45am.

Remembering the sacrifice of all those who have suffered and died defending our way of life. It is important to remember that the legacy of these people is not war but, peace and freedom. After consulting with other groups it has been decided that, due to Covid, this will be safer held outside in a similar way to last year to avoid having to place limits on the numbers that could attend.

The service will also be streamed live on the parish YouTube channel:…/UCpj6ZG35fYEmZGXFBhDF_kw/live

Sunday 7th Nov 11am

If you are feeling unwell, don’t fancy stepping out in the bad weather or are still not sure about mixing with people why not join an online service of the word. Our services are in church and online at the same time. Everyone can feel part of the service and a space is created for you to meet with God.

Here are the online joining details:

Meeting ID: 860 7349 0929 Passcode: 920859

Hope to see you


Memorial Service – Sunday 7th November 2021

Over the last couple of years many people have been denied the opportunity to hold the kind of service they would have chosen after the loss of a loved one. Limited numbers, the lack of singing, and the inability to gather together after a funeral are among the restrictions that many people have faced.

This service cannot undo the pain and loss that people feel, or that this has been made worse by the restrictions we
have all experienced. However, it is hoped that it will allow us an opportunity to celebrate the great legacy of treasured memories that we all hold onto. Whether you wish to remember someone you lost recently, or a long time ago, please know that you will be welcome to come and join us.

Sunday 7th November 2021 – 4pm at St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham

Parish Magazine – November 2021

Wow! What a busy month we have ahead of us in the #Meltham Parish, which is great to see (compared to last year). Especially the Sundays this month, see the Vicar’s letter for details. There are so many groups starting afresh for various activities across the Parish to get involved with, you’ll have to look through the mag to find them all as there are too many to mention here!

We also have a lovely poem from Pam and an interesting article on a recent pilgrimage Martyn had. Finally I make no apologies for the many pictures of rainbows this month, God really wants to remind us of His love for us almost daily, the ones from the Vicarage were taken on the same day!

Thank you to all who have contributed this month. The next deadline for the much needed contributions will be an earlier one: Friday 19th November 2021.

Please note that there is a small typo on the printed copies in the Vicar’s letter – it should read £130,000 and not £160,000 as printed. Apologies! This online version has however already been corrected.

Church Yard Working Groups – Meltham Church Hall – Sat 23rd October

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Church Yard Working Groups are continuing the work around the Parish on Saturday 23rd October at #Meltham Church Hall where we will shall be moss clearing and bush pruning etc. – Saturday morning from about 09.30 to 12.30 but even if you can only spare an hour, it all helps to make the job easier – the more, the merrier!

Feel free just to turn up, for all or a part of the session. We have a good chat and a laugh as well as work. Cake is usually involved at some point too! As we are outside, it is always weather dependent, so rain coats or sun hats required!

If you would like to join this merry group and want to be kept up to date with future dates and locations, please contact Irene Harrop at: or 01484 664163 or contact Mike Still on 07867 951512 for further information.