You are invited to our special memorial service on Sunday 3rd November – 4pm at St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham. This service offers an opportunity for anyone who would like some time and space to remember someone special to them who has passed away either recently or at any time in the past and to give thanks for their life and the memories they shared together. There will be an opportunity during this service for anyone who wishes to do so, to light a candle in remembrance of those people.
Come and join in the fun – there will be big games, little games, crafts and treats, marshmallow lollies and donut eating, and maybe more………….PLUS hot chocolate!
A night for fun – and light! – oh, and and it’s FREE!
Please spend some time praying for the events happening in the Parish over the next few weeks (Treatfest, Remembrance Sunday, Christmas) and thanking God for all the good things He is doing amongst us.
From 7.30ish either after prayer or just call in at the Wagon and Horses for a drink and a chat.
Join us for our Harvest Festivals across the Parish either this Sunday (6th October) or next Sunday (13th October)
Sunday 6th October: 09.30am St James’ – MELTHAM MILLS 11.15am Christ Church – HELME
Sunday 13th October: 09.30am St Bartholomew’s – MELTHAM 11.15am St Mary’s – WILSHAW
It’s also the Season of Invitation so please join us and do invite all your family, friends and neighbours too!
We shall be collecting items for the Meltham Crossroads Food Bank – Items can be brought to any of the Harvest Festivals at each church or the Crossroads centre.
All donations will be gratefully received though they have especially asked for donations of tinned meat meals, baked beans, tuna, biscuits, pasta sauce, long-life milk, cereals, and pet food, but their shelves currently have plenty of tinned soup and pasta at this time. Cash donations are also welcome.
Welcome to the Autumn edition of the #Meltham Parish Magazine. As I wait for the vicar to write his letter, I am preparing for an adventure to London (no kids allowed!) as I am now a member of the Association for Church Editors, and on my way to the annual meeting. So hopefully I’ll have lots of ideas on how to keep this magazine running smoothly. However in the mean time I hope you enjoy this edition, there’s articles on intriguing things, Part 2 of Church bells and Elizabeth takes over the reigns from Jenny on going greener.
It is you who makes this magazine as interesting as possible, so please do keep sending in any articles or ideas for future editions. They are all welcome and I’m thankful to you all how contributed to this edition. Please continue to send them in.
The deadline of the December / January magazine will be Monday 18th November 2024.
There will be a collection for Crossroads Meltham Foodbank at both services.
Donations of dried pasta, pasta sauce, tinned meat meals, tinned vegetables and fruit, baked beans, long life milk etc will be appreciated. Cash donations are also welcome.
Our next Oasis Quiet Day will be held on Thursday 3rd October at St James’ Meltham MIlls
For those who are unfamiliar with OASIS Days, they are held at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.
We begin in the Church Hall with coffee and biscuits served from 10.00. The Quiet Day then begins in the church promptly at 10.30.
There is a theme for the day to guide our thoughts-The theme will be ‘Advance and Retreat’.
We introduce the day, with a short Act of Worship using carefully selected music, readings and prayers.
There is then a time of Silence. Some people may use the time to read; reflect; pray; maybe go for a walk. Everyone is free to use the time as they wish.
We bring packed lunches and enjoy an hour of fellowship from 12.00 – 1.00pm.
After lunch we return to the worship area for a further time of prayer, followed by a simple service of Holy Communion in the Celtic tradition. The service will be lead by our friend Rev Martin Crompton. We are always finished before 3.00pm
This is just a brief outline- basically OASIS Days are a gift for everyone to press their ‘pause’ button and share in a time of quiet rest and reflection.
Please feel free to stay as long as you wish. We know how busy life can be.
For more information please ask a member of the Oasis team: Daphne, Hester, Christine W, Christine R, Jenny M
It’s a five Sunday month again, so as is tradition here in the Parish of #Meltham, we shall be having a joint parish communion service so we can all come together and worship as one. This time, it will take place up at Christ Church, Helme. Sunday 29th September at 10:30am.
Please note that there won’t be any services at the other churches in the parish on this Sunday – the hope is that everyone comes along to this one to join together for worship and fellowship.
Our next Oasis Quiet Day will be held on Thursday 3rd October at St James’ Meltham MIlls
For those who are unfamiliar with OASIS Days, they are held at St James’ Church, Meltham Mills.
We begin in the Church Hall with coffee and biscuits served from 10.00. The Quiet Day then begins in the church promptly at 10.30.
There is a theme for the day to guide our thoughts-The theme will be ‘Advance and Retreat’.
We introduce the day, with a short Act of Worship using carefully selected music, readings and prayers.
There is then a time of Silence. Some people may use the time to read; reflect; pray; maybe go for a walk. Everyone is free to use the time as they wish.
We bring packed lunches and enjoy an hour of fellowship from 12.00 – 1.00pm.
After lunch we return to the worship area for a further time of prayer, followed by a simple service of Holy Communion in the Celtic tradition. The service will be lead by our friend Rev Martin Crompton. We are always finished before 3.00pm
This is just a brief outline- basically OASIS Days are a gift for everyone to press their ‘pause’ button and share in a time of quiet rest and reflection.
Please feel free to stay as long as you wish. We know how busy life can be.
For more information please ask a member of the Oasis team: Daphne, Hester, Christine W, Christine R, Jenny M