
Christmas ain’t over yet!

Christmas ain’t over yet! Join us this Sunday (5th Jan) to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany! The Kings will be bringing their gifts to baby Jesus!

At St James’ Meltham Mills, there will be a special ‘ONE FOR ALL’ family service where the Epiphany story will be told – any children that want to take part will be given a role.

Services across the parish as follows:

09.30am – St Bart’s – MELTHAM, Sung Eucharist
09.30am – St James’ – MELTHAM MILLS, ALL FOR ONE Family Service
11.15am – Christ Church – HELME, Holy Communion
11.15am – St Mary’s – WILSHAW, Service of the Word


Weekly News – w/c 30 December

PLEASE PRAY for our Parish and our work in Meltham, Meltham Mills, Wilshaw and Helme to show the love of God to all people. Help us to work together so that our shared passion for Christ and care for others is what we communicate to each other and our community. Help us to take forward the message of Christmas into 2020 – to take
action to pursue peace and love for all, however hard that sometimes seems.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 2: 13 to end – God saves. Help us to trust Him even when evidence of hatred, genocide and persecution in the world might cause us to doubt our faith.


Monday 30th December
09.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 31st December
09.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 1st January – NEW YEARS DAY
10.30am Holy Communion at Bell House, Wilshaw

NEXT SUNDAY 5th January – Epiphany
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’ ALL FOR ONE Family Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church, Holy Communion
11.15am St Mary’s, Service of the Word

Friday 3rd January
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
1:30pm – Funeral of Sheila C – St Bart’s.
Friday 10th January
7.30-9pm St Mary’s Youth Group HD9 Club
For 11-17 year olds – a great place to make new friends.

It’s Christmas!

It’s Christmas! For unto us a child is born!
To everyone in #Meltham and beyond, may the PEACE of the new born Christ be with you this Christmas time and into 2020!
Merry Christmas from everyone at the Parish of Christ the (new born) King! – Meltham.

2 more sleeps till……JESUS!

2 more sleeps till………….JESUS! (and Santa!).
Join us across #Meltham on Christmas day to celebrate the birth of Jesus and give thanks. ALL WELCOME!

9:30am: St Bartholomew’s Meltham
9:30am: St James’ Meltham Mills
10:00am: Christ Church, Helme
11:15am: St Mary’s Wilshaw

Weekly News – w/c 23 December – Christmas Edition!

PLEASE PRAY for peace in our world. Thank God that the word was made flesh and came to dwell among us, full of grace and truth. John 1:14. Help us to know that with confidence and to walk with Jesus every day.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 1: 18-end – 23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).


Monday 23rd December
09.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

CHRISTMAS EVE – Tuesday 24th December
09.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Holy Communion, Greenacres
4.00pm Crib Service, St James’
11.30pm Midnight Communion, St Bart’s

CHRISTMAS DAY – Wednesday 25th December
09.30am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
09.30am Holy Communion, St James’
10.00am Holy Communion, Christ Church
11.15am Holy Communion, St Mary’s

Thursday 26th December
2.00pm Holy Communion, Helme Hall

NEXT SUNDAY 29th December
09.30am St Bart’s, PARISH COMMUNION

Come and celebrate Christmas as a Parish – going forward together to bring the love of God to Meltham, Meltham Mills, Wilshaw and Helme, and out into the wider world.

Carol Service @ St James’ Meltham Mills – Sun 22 Dec – 6:30pm

Join us at St James’, #Meltham Mills for our Christmas Carol Service. Sunday 22nd December at 6:30pm – ALL WELCOME

Further details can be found here:

All our special Christmas services are listed on the Parish Facebook page. You can view the details using this link (you don’t need to be a facebook user to see them)

If you are a facebook user, please help us to ‘spread the good news’ by sharing the events, or even going into them and and inviting your facebook friends and family.