
Pop-up Nativity and Carol Service @ St Bart’s – Sun 22 Dec – 4pm

Pop-up Nativity and Carol Service @ St Bart’s #Meltham – Sun 22 Dec – 4pm.
Join us for our Pop-Up Nativity where everyone can join in and take part!
Kids can dress up in their favourite nativity costumes. We’ll be needing Shepherds, Kings, Angels, Stars, Animals, Marys, Josephs etc. Oh, and of course not forgetting Baby Jesus! Adults can wear their best Christmas jumpers!

‘The Greatest Journey’ is a fun nativity retracing the steps of the journeys of Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the 3 Kings requiring full participation from everyone to help them on their way.

More info can be found here:

All our special Christmas services are listed on the Parish Facebook page. You can view the details using this link (you don’t need to be a facebook user to see them)

If you are a facebook user, please help us to ‘spread the good news’ by sharing the events, or even going into them and and inviting your facebook friends and family.

Christingle Service @ Helme – Sat 21 Dec @4pm

Join us at Helme Church for our Christingle Service to help get you in the mood for Christmas.

An atmospheric and joyful occasion for all ages on Saturday 21st December – 4pm. Christingle is a candle-lit, festive celebration that’s perfect for bringing families and communities together.

The celebration is named after the Christingles that are lit during the celebration. Christingles are made from an orange decorated with red tape, sweets and a candle.

The event will support the Children’s Society working to help children and young people in the darkest situations imaginable. Join over one million people sharing the light of Christingle.

Last year more than 6,000 celebrations raised almost £1.3 million to light up the lives of children and young people between the ages of 10 and 18.

Further details can be found here:

All our special Christmas services are listed on the Parish Facebook page. You can view the details using this link (you don’t need to be a facebook user to see them)

If you are a facebook user, please help us to ‘spread the good news’ by sharing the events, or even going into them and and inviting your facebook friends and family.

Weekly News – w/c 16th December

PLEASE PRAY for everyone in #Meltham and the wider world as they prepare for Christmas – that they will feel the hope and excitement of the season beyond the hype and pressure for materialism.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 11: 2-11 – Jesus answered, “Go tell John what you have heard and seen: The blind can see. The crippled can walk. People with leprosy are healed. The deaf can hear. The dead are brought back to life. And the Good News is being told to the poor. Great blessings belong to those who don’t have a problem accepting me.”


Monday 16th December
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 17th December
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 18th December
09.00am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

Saturday 21st December
4.00pm CHRISTINGLE at Christ Church, Helme.
Everybody warmly invited to join us.

NEXT SUNDAY 22nd December
CHRISTMAS JUMPER SUNDAY – Don’t forget to wear yours!
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Holy Communion
11.15am St Mary’s, Holy Communion
11.15am Christ Church, Service of the Word
4.00pm St Bart’s Pop-Up Navity and Carols. Anyone can join in!
Kids dress up as your favourite Nativity Character, Aduts in your best Christmas Jumper – ALL WELCOME!
6.30pm St James’ Carol Service

Wednesday 18th December
Friday 20th December
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Wilshaw Carol Service – Sun 15th Dec – 6pm

Join us at Wilshaw Church for the the first of our #Meltham Parish Carol Services.

Sunday 15th December @ 6pm


Further details can be found here:

All our special Christmas services are listed on the Parish Facebook page. You can view the details using this link (you don’t need to be a facebook user to see them)

If you are a facebook user, please help us to ‘spread the good news’ by sharing the events, or even going into them and and inviting your facebook friends and family.

Christmas Services in the Parish of Meltham

CHRISTMAS SERVICES in the Parish of #Meltham.

The countdown to Christmas has begun! Over the next 2 weeks we have a wide variety of Christmas Services – Carol Services, Nativitiy, Christingle, Crib Service, Midnight Mass, even Carols in the Pub – something for everyone! Come, join the festivities as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

All our special events are listed on the Parish Facebook page. You can view the details using this link (you don’t need to be a facebook user to see them)

If you are a facebook user, please help us to ‘spread the good news’ by sharing the events, or even going into them and and inviting your facebook friends and family.

SAT 14th Dec – 8:00pm: Carols in the Pub @ Waggon and Horses Meltham.
SUN 15th Dec – 6:00pm: Carol Service @ St Mary’s Wilshaw.
SAT 21st Dec – 4:00pm: Christingle Service @ Christ Church, Helme.
SUN 22nd Dec- 4:00pm: Pop-Up Community Nativity with Carols @ St Bartholomew’s Meltham.
SUN 22nd Dec – 6:30pm: Carol Service @ St James’ Meltham Mills.

4:00pm: Crib Service @ St James’ Meltham Mills.
11:30pm: Midnight Communion @ St Bartholomew’s Meltham

9:30am: St Bartholomew’s Meltham
9:30am: St James’ Meltham Mills
10:00am: Christ Church, Helme
11:15am: St Mary’s Wilshaw

Weekly News – w/c 9th December

PLEASE PRAY for peace and understanding in our Parish, in our Diocese, across the United Kingdom and around the world. In this week where political differences will be at the fore, help us not to be swayed from God’s message of unconditional love for others.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 3: 1-12 – Make way for the King of Kings and let him into your life.


Monday 9th December
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 10th December
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s
1.30pm Songs of Praise, Greenacres

Wednesday 11th December
09.00am Holy Communion, St Bart’s
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s

NEXT SUNDAY 15th December
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Service of the Word
11.15am St Mary’s, Service of the Word
11.15am Christ Church, Holy Communion


Wednesday 11th December
OASIS Quiet Day, St James’
10.00am to 3.00pm (or any time inbetween), come and pause a while in the presence of God (bring a packed lunch if staying all day).

Friday 13th December
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.
7.30pm- 9.00pm HD9 Club – Wilshaw – Christmas Party.

Saturday 14th December
8.00pm CAROLS IN THE PUB – Waggon and Horses, Meltham.

Weekly News – w/c 2nd December

PLEASE PRAY as we enter the Advent season that we can delay instant gratification and wait patiently for Jesus – his birth, resurrection and coming again. And pray that Carols in the Park on 1st December speaks to our community of something of God’s love for us all in this season, bring them peace and a thirst to know and experience more.

READ THE GOOD NEWS – Matthew 24: 36-44 – We cannot know when Christ will come again but we believe the promise that He will. Are we ready?

Monday 2nd December
9.30am Morning Prayer, Christ Church

Tuesday 3rd December
9.30am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s

Wednesday 4th December
10.00am Meltham Churches Together Prayers for the Community, St Bart’s
10.30am Holy Communion at Bell House, Wilshaw.
11.00am Holy Communion and Lunch, St Bart’s. If you know anyone who would like to come and needs a lift, please contact Val on 850496.

NEXT SUNDAY 8th December
09.30am St Bart’s, Holy Communion
09.30am St James’, Holy Communion
4.30pm St James’ FIVE ALIVE
11.15am St Mary’s, Holy Communion
11.15am Christ Church, Service of the Word

Friday 6th December
10.30am-12 noon St Bart’s, Coffee and Chat.

Patrice Storey is the new contact for Meltham Mustard Seed at St Bart’s – please let Patrice know if you can help with this wonderful project.

Mince Pies!

It looks like it is going to be fine on Sunday, so we are hoping for lots of people at ‘Carols in the Park’.  Please can as many people as possible provide some mince pies.  Thank you.